Friday, February 26, 2010

oh and la dee da to you

fractal boozing
the hem line is too wavy
I'm ensconced in perspiration
staring at your butt
I'm frozen in the trees
staring at the waning moon
walking on the sidewalk
someone wrote 'this city sucks'
someone tried to scratch it out
no suckcess
I'm sitting on a big blue ball
at work
and the raining is hammering down
like in a Nick Cave song
I have my Itouch, my cell phone,
my keypass, my sunglasses
but it's fucking raining
there's a photo of me (Dale made it)as a
krill- kinda like a shrimp- my head superimposed
on a krill.
stop it you're krilling me!
What happened to penguin after he won the lottery?
He became a krillionaire!
black curlie hair
over the top of the cube
he's bouncing again
and when he drinks he smacks his lips and goes
bang them chains motherfucker!
I built a magnetic papercup head man
and put art on the corners of the wall
with more magnets
drew a dog with dry
erase marker on the window
overlooking remote Oak town
bored today
clouds overhead
weekend pending
landlord called said our neighbor
says we're stalking him.
He's CUCKOO fucking nuts
paranoid little twerp.
haha he's trying to get money
out of the landlord
he's already bleeding his housemates
and he doesn't even live there anymore.
he's filming us- he put a camera on the roof of
his ex-wife's building
across the street pointed at our living room.
He said we were pouring water on our floor so
it would pour into his room.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

what a gallant Thursday!

Forwarding pathetic Tiger
the tigger non biased wood
into the rough
overlooking the farm-aid wilderness smiles
stanching the blood from a
brood of hen-egged pituataries
remotely firing on talibic suppurants
dismally fortified in walmart hajibs
and debating droid vs iphone - how depressed are you?
hah not nearly depressed as
my left toe motherfugwah
I bought the autobiography of
Black Hawk for six dollars in a
used clothing store on Divisadero
from a girl named Liz with
the most eyes
beautiful eyes
and again in cubed work
environ taking paper use surveys
and eating cheap chinese;
fried rice with eggplant and tofu.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Leonard Cohen Out Hunting

Leonard Cohen is
shooting rabbits
with an over under shotgun
and singing a lousy tune

I'm swaying to religion
I've got Nova Scotia eyes
I'm peeling the bark
on a Barca lounger

I stopped the gas from
pouring down my leg
lit a cigarette and
got burned

A cloud is forming by the river
the cloud is smiling at me
I'm shying away from tentative decisions
I'm remorseful for hurting
cardboard boxes

Leonard Cohen is throwing up
after eating a rabbit carcass
he says he's going to hike
8 miles today
big deal.

I've seen it all
I will see it again
i'm stepping on a magazine cover
of some movie stars face