Wednesday, February 11, 2009

are those ski goggles or beer?

oh miserable
digital self
for sad sad figure
in a pixelated glass
staring with
eyes aged by
curtain of light
plasma screamed
IV tube reality with razor blades and bullets
pushing metal on newspapers
crowding out the japanese tourists
on the train with their
rain gear and plans
for the weekend
i'm staring at a girl
with her mouth open
looking up like
joan of arc or some girl
in a porno and it's disconcerting to see
that on the train when
you just want to drink your coffee
and get to work
but along the way you read
about senators falling into pools of tar
and they try to laugh it off
'ha ha fell into a pool of tar like a
sabre toothed tiger' and then you have
your blood drawn and it doesn't hurt
but it sure is dark
you didn't realize it was so dark and syrupy
'one good thing about having high blood pressure- the blood comes out fast!'

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