Sunday, January 17, 2010

Juicy fruit painting and dog shit shoes

I am sleeping without sheets
in the middle of
a raining day. They
say that it's an el nino
My stomach wanders from worried
to more worried. It doesn't seem worth it, to
worry so. I don't know why I do it and I can't seem to stop.
I hear the tap tap tap of the water dripping by my window and
a young neighbors muffled voice. She's saying something but I'm not
sure what it is. they must be outside smoking.
I let her borrow one of my paintings.
I came home very drunk, threw up in the back yard and got dog shit on
both shoes. I didn't notice until the next afternoon.
In between I let her borrow the Juicy fruit painting.
She told me later they don't package it like that any more.
She tried to buy Juicy fruit gum but it wasn't the same.
I bought new shoes, the same kind and put the dog shit ones in the
box and left them on the street. The next
day just the lid of the box was there.

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