Saturday, August 05, 2017

I guess the advocacy of tin cans as shoes was not a
defining moment in my circuitous
route to Happiness

Nonetheless, things being as they were, I was intrigued by
the notion of memorizing
a reasonable contextual event,
in my memory, as it were

Therefore I eased the brakes on the 2003 Astro van®
and thought about the White Rabbit (not a car)
It was called a Caribe in Mexico (the car)
-some unsavory mechanic in Puerto Vallarta
stole it from my aging father

I was there (in Mexico) to deliver the sad news
that his brain was getting smaller (physically)
He accepted the news and then attempted to move
a light bulb on the ceiling because it was "too close to the ceiling fan
and might shatter"
it had been in the same place for fifty years
I steadied the ladder as he removed the bulb