the frumious bandersnatch or whose part is this? The Tecate Wars 2007-2031 V. 1(non-explicated)
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
the monster crows
his violence
they speak of whys and wherefores
and telenovelas
judges in robes
look down
and judge
i guess it's their job
everyone thinks
and talks
some promote
a way things should be
the way X is supposed to be!
ill omens
on the sidewalk
mercury montegos
long rusted
and text messages
about dying at twenty
he was gone before the eighties even began
like that trail
on napali
"some stupid hippie probably killed himself"
so mean
people being people
what's wrong
with shitting where you eat?
is it better than kraft mac and cheese
nothings better!
and people die
that's just what happens
every day
still hope
is not bs
just saying
when do we start to feel it
should we take more