Monday, June 26, 2023

 You should have kept drinking

You'd be a tightrope walker by now
Caressing the shoulders
Breathing new life into a forgotten age
Walking the streets of Des Moines

Your clothes would be torn from your body
By hyenas
With names like Orange Julius
Or Cherries Jubilee

There would be a safari with
Karen Von Blixen
No managers would be requested
And you would fly over Africa
By instruments
Below not a single light
Except a fire by the Masai warriors
Dressed to the nines
And dancing

Robert Redford would be dressed 
In a shirt
You can't buy
And my mom would get mad
At what the cashier said 
At the supermarket 

Things would be stolen
From Sprouse-Reitz
In our 13 year old bicycle rides
I think you took a windbreaker

 Der Brofuss 

Into the dark woods
With a machine gun
Seeing salamanders
And rotting wood
The smell of damp
Where am I?
Then the bullets rang out 
And blood covered the ground
And soaked in

Life goes on

Paintings get painted 
The apple is green
The apple is red 
Hey nice apple!
How come her face is green?

The mercury checked the news

Another day
Stocks were down
Yesterday they were up
More cloudy weather today
Disasters in parts of the world
Mercury thought 
What's for lunch?

Saturday, June 24, 2023

 Sleep like cheese

Said the Moon
Wensleydale or Muenster
We watched Time 
Dressed in blue bonnet 
Coat and Tails
Until it rotted
 Pi played a game

Of prime numbers
On the Moon
Until we were bored
And feel asleep

 There were no three ways

The Genie told me
"Two wishes is what you get."

 The Moon's effigy

Was recalcitrant 
It was sorry it told them
It was made of cheese

Friday, June 23, 2023


We played Pong
In a pizza parlor 
After a little league game
The coach was buying pizza and cokes
If we knew what Pong was the first expression of
I'm not sure what we would have done 
Except play 
And have fun! 

 If I were Richard Brautigan's son

If I were Richard Brautigan's son
I'd start each day with umbrellas in typewriters
In seventies San Francisco 
Near the Art Institute

I'd wear a shiny vinyl overcoat
And be photographed with a girl in a SF location
For my next book

Or maybe she would
I don't know
I'm not Richard Brautigan's son
So this is all just conjecture


If I were
Well, never mind.

 The drinking

The drinking is for the drinkers
A lift a hoist an ambulance ride
    -Boise, ID 2006

 Joyeux Century

Deliver me from the wrath of Time!
Sweet berries and Trees!
Mark the day with acorns and squirrels
Forsake the news as it is shit!
People being people is hardly ever a noteworthy thing.

 The cream of finagling 

Dreamt a con for the ages 
One for one one for me
Or something like that 

The cream stayed in a cheap hotel in Barstow
The door handle broke off after he shut the door and he was locked in
He climbed out the window
He went to the managers office and explained the situation
The manager came up and put the screen back on the window
"All done" he said in a think Hindu accent.
"Hey NO!"


Jeez I felt shitty this morning
I guess I was hungover
I needed to move the car by noon but
I was so anxious about the car even though
I had like four hours to move it


Gravity has no preconceptions 
Or preferences except one
All things must fall
Some says it's the law
But laws can be changed?
I don't know sometimes 
I think gravity gets a special pleasure 
When things fall and break
Gravity and entropy walk hand in hand
They are gods clockity-clocks 


Laundry is proof that dirt exists.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

 Crime is a Cthonian Cthing

Like corduroy pants
Don't lie to me 

 There once was a movement

But all has been surpassed 
By money
Of course
We saw it coming
It was 
As always 
One need look no further
Than ones hand
HERE! It is said


A sonnet blue 
Like Christmas time
In trees of yesterday
And winds of yesterday
 The thoughts of yesterday
You who are the God
Of your memories
Find no fault with dreams!
For you know they are a
Fucked up version of our minds
My question is
How do we go along,
While dreaming,
Of the outlandish shit?!
In our dreams we just accept it as normal
And move on
C'est la vie

 Catch a ketch

The maneuvers of solitary confinement
In the dark a button can provide hours of mind relieving
In Alcatraz Prison, on an island in the San Francisco Bay, the prisoners said they
Could hear the voices of the revelries
On New Years Eve in the city
On the wind

 College football

Was all about the helmets
I used to like The Fighting Irish! - they were my team
I liked their gold helmets and the way their
Helmets traced on our old B&W tv like being
On acid at age 10
There's a mystical power to colored uniforms
Green and Gold
Orange and black
Yellow? Did anyone have yellow uniforms?
I think not.

 Two ravens

On the street today.
Walking home from the supermarket
I gave them some raw broccoli
They said and you can quote me on this- they hadn't seen a raw vegetable in weeks. 

 Pork Chops

W tons of fresh chopped ginger, olive oil, (maybe a little sesame oil)
And soy sauce!
Luau pork chops I call them.
Eat 'em up!

Friday, June 16, 2023


The ravens song
Beneath a sky
Of dark and gloom
The raven has a room 
With windows out and windows in
And other ravens 

The streets belong 
To them
As well as the sky
The rooftops 
And the trees

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

 See the four corners

Of existence
They are 
Measles, ants, Naugahyde, and mashed potatoes 
Isn't it grand?

 Norm McDonald didn't know what DNA is

So fucking what? Believe in Jesus? The thing about science is it doesn't matter if you believe it. Just like  Jesus. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

 I worry too much

Now I think I have well my sister thinks I 
Have pneumonia!
F that! Pass
Me my sombrero and 
Vamos a zona romantica 
Creo que 

Friday, June 09, 2023

 So quiet

Is not how I would be described
Even as a kid I think I had plenty to say
But sometimes I was shy around people I didn't know
Now I can talk to anybody 
Hey, how's it going?!

Thursday, June 08, 2023

 Creature Features

Just walk outside
Monsters everywhere!

 I swear

I'm about the laziest person I know
But I've always been one to lay in bed reading comics
Or books about baseball
Or watching tv

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

 I ate all the steak

It was leftover 
In a plastic bag in the fridge
I kinda picked around the really fatty parts
Gnawed on the T bone tho yum

Monday, June 05, 2023

 Are you an ellipsis?

Grievances unheralded 
Suppository barely
Credence deregulatory
Flame on!

 It doesn't matter

Nothing matters
Well that's not true
Lots of things matter


Just a regular
Fucking person
And I can't seem to deal with
Any of this