circadian bi-ennial
frost relief
sturm und drunk
stoic barrier marker
some say
you're not a native tongue
so sleep sleep
balmy brigade
of newsworthy tonsillitis
the little factoids in each
of us
sleep sleep sneeze
till your back hurts
get a stand up job
selling tooth enamel to eskimos
are you Inuit?
totally, dude
the witch has stolen a revolver
from the shoshone shoeshine man
sturmin' and drinkin'
with the fire bonnet
of love
tied to your privates
you can sing
the tooth song
in the native tongue
bye bye sleep sleep
the pathways are marked
with shells
and bones
to the fire bonnet lodge
you wore your stripes out
trying to speak with a grizzly bear
who would not listen
your native tongue was a bassinet
some never could speak too well
but the torch was lit
and you danced
the fire bonnet dance
sleep sleep
or close your eyes