Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The branch was way up high in the tree.
Raymond edged further and further out. He could see all the way to Stanley Avenue near the hill. Down below some kids were throwing tan bark at each other.
The wind was blowing and the branch was moving a little.
Raymond raised himself up and then he stood on the branch.
He could feel the branch nubs through the soles of his kicks. They were the blue Converse that Chet had left behind. They were almost completely worn out.
They told him his brother was killed in a car accident but Raymond knew Chet died from a heroin overdose.
Raymond's mom blamed his Dad for Chet's death.
He felt the wind picking up and the clouds were starting to look like rain.
He bounced on the branch just a little.
He raised up his head and yelled as loud as he could.
The kids below heard him and were looking up.
"Hey kid, fuck you!" One kid yelled.
"Haha hey JUMP asshole"
Raymond hocked a loogie at them but it blew away.
The kids ran off yelling and laughing.
Raymond bounced some more, a little furiously.
Then he stared at the hill over by Stanley Ave.
"Fuck this."
He went back to the trunk of the tree and started climbing down.