Sunday, November 29, 2015

the paint was chipping
   the peanut brittle days were over
     and nacho cheese chips days begun
he wandered Florence looking for a certain pinball game
  'they must have Addams Family'
     He didn't know any Italian
except abbodanza and ciao, bella
he said both a lot and got weird looks
   outside the piazza some young ruffians beat him and stole his phone
    perhaps my spaghetti days have begun he thought
  gypsy children carrying pieces of cardboard were to be avoided he learned
he found a Star Trek pinball game in the back of a bakery/coffee shop
 he spent so much time there they gave him a job
three months later he married the owner's daughter
     he learned how to make bruttiboni and canoli
he changed his name to Fabrizio which means skilled worker
but his friends still called him Roger
  later he acquired a drinking problem
he went to AA and kept drinking
his wife knew but his pastries were much better when he drank