How Long Have You Lived In San Francisco?
can you buy the
the story
can you see the hearty sturgeon
embraced by a kingfish
the trident of
spearing the lungs
of Jim Morrison
-I'm walking here-
I've seen
vampires with warm tall boys
of malt liquor in their backpack
reciting poetry at
a cafe named after an elephant
charge the people
a dollar and a half
throw the money changers out..
give to Caesar
and a jacknife
and a jackfruit life
of misery
i don't know what I'm talking about
but he was walking the seas
chasing Nabu
chasing Hanuman
chasing Ahab
chasing Amy
j.j. cale played that old broken guitar
shuffling on down the hiway
I've seen poets on amino blockers
talkin current events
tom waits impersonators
selling movie rights
and buying shirts
at full price-
---- it weren't jc penney
i'm telling you that -
I've seen a poet raised
by Franco in spain
steal his girlfriends rental car
in San Francisco
crazy 6th international shit
-I've seen famous underground cartoonists
throw a poets journal in the
warm sudsy water
of a local drinking establishment
and the ink just ran
ran down the pages
oh well