Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Tecate Wars had ended
years ago
but Bosephus,
General Bosephus,
felt the thirst
the thirst for cold cheap piss beer
in aluminum cans


He remembered a ghost of a plane
beached in Mexicali
and a man with multiple wristwatches

the long concrete roadway
over the swamps of Texas
days driving in
crap ass heat

and the battle of the Kampground parking lot
with a dab of spilled oil
on the white sand drive way
suck it you redneck fat douchebag
back on the road
going 80 if lucky more like 68
if you didn't pass us your car sucked

We avoided Tecate on those miles
like fools
we had no idea of the war to
it wasn't even on our radar
finally we did break down
in Albuquerque
I guess everyone does
he said
because of the altitude
changes the ratio of air to fuel
in your carburetor
I thought it was because of the
Indian reservation
we had stayed on the night before
It seemed like we were tripping

The Tecate War revisited Part II
in cerebral texas
funerary ambiguity
we were the desolate cactii
the broken backyard trampoline
the mesmerized deer

there was no Tecate in those days
it was a secret
"did you know?"