reach for the stars
like the moonshine you drank
and your panties are like a banana
but the frying grace of Catamunda
is in not being eaten by bugs
so hug the beach
spread more sunblock
blonde eyed blue grotto
be the escape you need so bad
go for the golf
and stay for the sweat
backwards kissing meltdowns
once upon a time you had a reason
but you voted with your feet
go swift warrior
flee the battle and lose the war
there's victory in the saddle
just pry the lid off of it
scoop that peanut butter
the captain could not stop
but you know better
you've seen the cobblestones
covered in mud
you've hauled sand from the beach
and now the developers are buying you down
stay for the agave
stay for the maguey
stay for the town of Tequila
stay and go
that's the only way
call Cuco
he's out by the river
the streets are slippery
so be careful
that new car smell won't be there forever you know
stay and go
that's your only hope
stay for the sweat
go for the music
get a panga to take you down the coast
but look out
a cessna sized manta ray landed on a boat last week
never seen again
one person made it to shore
a fourteen year old girl
everybody else was lost
but that never happened
you old bullshitter
thats what i'm saying
the sweat is in your eyes
reach for the rag
its clean
they drank that moonshine tequila
she called it Raicilla
stay for the whiskey
go for the tequila
it's a battle you'll win as soon as you start
get a car and go up to the mountains
the carniceria up there
has eleven kinds of meat
i forget
the last