Saturday, May 11, 2024

 Little Jack Jack

was spending some time at the house. His mom would bring him over when she needed to run errands or had to work and couldn't get a sitter. 
Jack Jack was about the easiest boy to babysit. He was pretty self reliant. We had a big old train set made of wood tracks and trains from when Jason was little. Jack loved to play with the trains. He would spend hours building elaborate train set ups and I didn't really have to do anything. I could watch tv or read the newspaper. Sometimes I even snoozed. 
Gisele, Jacks mom, would do chores around the house to make up for a lack of payment. She'd vacuum and clean the bathroom and the kitchen and do some laundry. It made life pretty easy for me. Giseles husband Kyle was in the military and was currently stationed in the Philippines. Giselle said she used to go with him on his stationing but she was done with that. She liked being home. 
I'd feed the boy lunch of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of milk. Easy peasy. Jack loved pb&j.