Saturday, May 11, 2024


Jason was supposed to come home last night. He's not here. I guess I could call him if I knew where I kept his phone number. Ah heck,  he'll show up when he shows up. 
His mother would have been on the phone calling everyone. "Where's Jason?!" She'd'a probably even called the police and acted all sweet until they started asking questions then she'd get into her tirade and throw a saucepan out the back door. Those squirrels never knew what was gonna come flying out that back door. 
"I'm sorry Mrs. Sorenson. You've called us before said he was missing and then he was home a few hours later. If he don't get back after tomorrow you give us a call. Thank you, Ma'am."
I decide to make a pot of coffee and maybe some eggs. I wonder if there's any eggs.