Saturday, March 08, 2025

 I rambled endlessly 

upon a dusty highway 
made of skeletons and lace
I read the daily news
and kept up with current events
I cared enough to pass as a reasonable person
sometimes too much
I tried this and that 
ate garden burgers 
and greasy fries
drank cold water
and complained about people with laptops


 I captured a nothing

  In a nowhere land
made of cardboard and hummus
  It wasn't easy
   there were ladies
and corrugated ribbons
  I combed my hair casually 
  and wore my grandfathers 
dark wool overcoat
   the Greyhound took me from
 Boston to NYC
I got off at Penn Station
   and rode a subway 
  to Alphabet City
  It was a nice day

 His coat of many colors

   was an old tan jacket covered
in hand sewn patches
  It was crudely done
  they looked like hobo patches 
  he smoked a cigarette 
  and spoke with the owner
  about not much

Friday, March 07, 2025

 Madonna of the trolls

    "Go live under a bridge!"
Her silk robes were patched with hobo patches
  "Some day..."

Thursday, March 06, 2025

 I got speavey conundrums

Yick. Drinking double espresso and listening to the gals talk about their boyfriends.
"He's so cute but he's kinda dumb."
"He wears the same pants every day"
"He won't eat Asian food. Just sandwiches and spaghetti"
"My boyfriend let me go. I didn't even get fired!"

 I got harmonicas

A, B flat, C, D, E, F and G. I guess that covers most situations. 
I don't really know what I'm doing but it doesn't sound too bad. 

 I jacked the trade

    Master of none
  baited a hook
   Jerked it back
  Slept all night
  fish one fish two 
    red fish blue
   five fingered 
  you wear my ring
 you're alright 


 Pray to the sun

   to drive 
us mad crazy
   stubborn stupid
  eating chili dogs 
      and getting suckered
   puttin' on a show
while the dark side rakes it in
  and and and
over and over and over

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

 down the red road

    spying on 
silk alligators
    crying in the champagne
    Paris 20's 
  Le Dome
    that is gone but 
  now we have Nazis 
    and crayfish
      Bottles of 7up
    catch the immigrant!
    feed the anger
      Chipotle promises
not to raise prices for 
   Proud Boys
    Fire the Veteran!
  what have you done for us lately!
    It's all gonna come down 
  On his stupid head
   Call Magua 
  we need some Huron 
   energy up in here



 sittin' greasy

    grey greedy
 like Natty
  in Bumpus Hell
Mt. Lassen 
   smells like sulfur
   On the path
  to sharp glass rocks for miles
  I don't know

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

 Grey skies

in March
   I got an orange lighter
burn it down
  swamp rat
        go book shopping
             North Beach
      go thrifting
       in Manteca 
       get stoned and eat junk food
      Buy a perfect polyester seersucker 
   try it on for size
   Wear it 
try it
  run down 
  my leg stopped throbbing 
    But it's cold out

Monday, March 03, 2025

 blues playing this am

sunlight shining reflecting 
in my eyes
stop your train
don't you hear me cry

 I woke up 

  and my

   was throbbing
   type 2 diabetes 
are they going to cut my leg off?
Gahd I hope not!
  A1c at 10
  not good
La Dee da

 Sky blue 

what was that?
   oh the garbage man 
  in the alley
someone is painting curbs red
  but they're so obviously not official 
like odd spray paint
  I asked the store owner
he said he had no idea
  and I believe him 

 Say wicked

  say whiner
say hero
  say Sawtooth Mountains
  say my leg hurts
    say hiking boots
  say poorly cooked rainbow trout
dog wouldn't eat it
  turned up his nose
do dogs eat fish?
he's not a cat, dumbass!
   bumpy road past the reservoir
I really just wanted a cigarette 
  But that's how it goes


 Don't try the greasy fries

  or eat kale
 and other anti-inflammatory 
   like walnuts
   I'm trying okay
 it's not easy
  being alive
  but it's all about 
    how you play the cards you're dealt
  but it's hard to bluff when they're holding
 a royal flush 
 and you live in Sparks

Sunday, March 02, 2025

 Grease Monkey Crybaby 

    Scheming yer bastard lies
but it's just a $5 table
  have a Tareyton 100
   and another Schlitz
  and keep yer head down
   It's cold outside
    and god knows where your wife is
  she ain't here
  that was last week
    she said not to tell you
so I guess I screwed up

 Greasy War Zone

  I'm a left wing cadaver
  but it doesn't matter
   Rubber and eggs
    Sail toward the Midwest
      be a correspondent 
for St.Louis
travel on
     drink red wine
      in hell but
 keep your guard 
    With a 9 MM
     in your briefcase 
 next to the Tylenol 

Saturday, March 01, 2025

 a greasy idea in heaven 

a million 
don't say it
   perturbed by ideas
    dens of what have you
    Nah you arent being right
      You JUMPED in the pool
         you sly dog 
            with faded overalls
    reaching for the light
  It only took a million years
so what
  wash your jeans
     get right 


 Greasy Pies of Marmalade 

  unescorted by the horses of the past
     what rhymes in breakfast draws
        A fine white line
 leading to encebollada
  with corn tortillas and 
 strong margaritas on a chilly saturday in the old Mission
  people seem happy 
      to be out  
      to be seen
      and to see
   to laugh
      and to joke with friends
    on the sidewalk
   "Is that where the Phoenix was?"
   "I liked peeing there"
   "I threw up near the Mobil ATT store right there once"

 Greasy skies 99

Say the whatnot
   grab your past
   Like A thousand wishes
    dream on
      dream on
    we are the wild animals
     dream on
   dream on
say the piggies the boars the feral pigs
    dream on
   dream on
     Time is not ours
     but it's all we've got 
  let's just forget it 
    and have some fun
once in a while


 greasy sleep web

tried and blued
    Scene foretold
  my eyes are sparkling
    I was actually in a Ninja Japanese bar 
  last night

Friday, February 28, 2025

 Greasy Jeez Louise

Say it like you mean it
there is no halfway
  except pretty much always
   Falling half way down the stairs
    Crying half way
     You have the temper 
        but you look sad
     I tried and got half way
    I half tried 
  But that's neither here nor there

 Greasy Stuka uprising

   on fertile plain
  what eyes 
  Rising again
    seed the brains 
      of need a leader
        salamanders frogging and flaying
      playing at hatred

 Greasy skies attract

   like mountains 
granite marble evergreens firs shoe leather
sweat and straps
boots and brown fish 
  and a hunk of fatback
  to fry them in
a purple backpack
 a cubs hat Carolyn brought back from Chicago
  and a dog 
we didn't see another person for three days
  a hand drawn road sign
  I guess I'll go the other way

 Greasy dreams aspire

  to the toads
minnows in the pit
   gravel road 
   And cherry sno-cones
  Saturdays playing pick up games
  glove on bike handlebars
   stop at 7-11
     Oh thank heaven!


 greasy days ahead

  wallow in it
   the murk 
     let the tears and blood and 
      let the time
       betray what you think
         throw it away
            It's useless
  Less than 
      it's downright dangerous
       It's a box of shells
         With no rifle
  Watch the fire
     watch the fingers
        Watch the tv
     Explode in your face
         Watch Bugs Bunny
            What's up Doc
         and the path to the path
            to perdition
        is paved with smiling eyes
           and lollipops

 Greasy dreams awake

  forget the foreboding
  Fight back!
  forget the dismissals
  I'm no Robinson Jeffers
   No Keats
    No Yeats
     No Robert Frost
       No Pokemon
   No Swamp Thing



 Greasy dreams asleep

Say what you will
    The sidewalks don't talk
   trees lose their leaves
    The sky is grey
   In February 
   You sleep with the window open
   and a lamp is on 
all night 
  no reason
 (So you can see who is attacking you!)
you drink ice cold coffee from a can
    And eat noodles with anchovy paste 
Je voudrais aller!
   at 3 am
    Time slips thru your fingers 
     like powdered sugar
    On a lemon custard donut

 Greasy dreams await

the bougainvillea 
Shady characters 
and myopic cats
  She wore white
   With blue nail polish
   It was a nice day

Thursday, February 27, 2025

 Greasy dreams await

the window is open 
the fan is on as usual
It helps with tinnitus 
It was warm today which is different 
a gal was sleeping with her head down 
at a table in the cafe
I tried to make music 
but it wasn't happening 
Sometimes you do 
and sometimes you don't 
lately when I record I can hear
myself heavy breathing 
It fucking sucks
I wore two masks but it sounded even louder
I think cuz I was breathing thru my mouth


 I used to drink in a Japanese ninja motel bar

the bartender knew my name
and played old country tunes
& ate noodles and tuna poke
Life was a dream
but I can't drink like that anymore 

 You got no eyeliner

your presents are old books
  and vcr tapes
you push your way 
   through a crowd 
     Of Seventies ski jackets 
    and boxes of reel to reel tapes
   you awake hungry
  and groggy eyed
   you pee in a bottle
    and drink chicory coffee
    you don't believe the internet
it's all lies

 I ran a bat dream Japanese ninja store in hell

but nobody noticed
My eyeliner
   I had a Hyundai
   but I couldn't tell you what color it was 
  Or rather is
   I drove it cross country and back
See America First!
  my dad used to say
  but I think he was just cheap
  I have a photo of him
looking like he's going to some foreign country
 as a counter spy
in college he studied Russian and Engineering
there were Redwoods 

 I got no gripes 

things are what they are
But goddang 
   I got a chicory New Orleans style coffee
   in a little milk container
  Outside its 60 degrees and getting
I smoke too much
    laid out in bed 
   looking at the sky
life goes on

 I dreamt about nothing

fur lined streets of hazy skies
Boo bah

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

 in 1972

my friend bought a blue baseball glove
I got a two toned glove but both were brown
One shade darker than the other
it was a Brooks Robinson model
"The human vacuum" 
that guy could play some third base 
"The hot corner"
As an adult I played on a men's hardball team
Mission Baseball Club
It wasn't a league 
just a bunch of guys who'd come out on Sunday
half the guys would go out in the field 
and the other half would be up
those were the teams that day
One time Johnny was playing third base
he got hit by a hard grounder in the neck
after a bad hop
He thought he was fine
But that night things started to go wrong 
a clot had formed in his neck and had gone to his brain
luckily they took care of him and he was fine
but ya gotta watch that hot corner 


 North Dakota

bought and paid for
potatoes were big there
giant lumberjack and
Babe the blue ox
we stopped and got burritos
they had potatoes in them
"There are no rice or beans here"
they said proudly
we ate them and they weren't that great
but what are ya gonna do?

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

 Growing up I had a friend whose mom raised Persian cats.
She must have had 30 or 40 of them. I thought they were ugly with their pushed in faces and there was cat hair everywhere. 
She had a little transistor radio on top of the refrigerator and she kept it tuned to a country and western station. 


 I could go see D.

But I'd just end up getting fucked up.
We'd get high and watch weird tv.
I'd spend hours there until I figured he probably wants me to leave, that's why he put that shitty music on.
I'm not real good at taking a hint. 
La dee da

 The sun is too fucking bright out

I fucking hate that.
It's like living in LA.
Or Arizona or some shit.
Fuck that.
I live here because it's supposed to be all foggy.
Foggy SF.
With evening foghorns blasting in the distance.
One time a foghorn was so loud it sounded like the ship was two blocks away.
I swear to God.

 The creatures ate the wide eyed ladies

they had no sympathy 
did you see the dress on that one?!
She tasted pretty good!
 They moved on to the next town

 I got nothing to do

so I smoke cigarettes
read books
play guitar
I like to play guitar
I record it and add other instruments 
all on my phone
It doesn't sound bad
I'm definitely not a great musician 
most of it is downright not good
but I keep at it
some of it's not bad
that's the best I can say

 I flew in a double decker airplane in 1972

We went to Milwaukee to visit the grandparents.
In the back of the plane was a large circular staircase.
It led up to a piano bar. A piano bar on an airplane.
A man was playing the piano and people were smoking and drinking Tom Collin's and Gimlets and other assorted drinks. People were all well dressed and there was much gaiety.

 I don't feel real

I don't know
It's weird
 nothing seems real

 I wore a phony smile

all the world had become slightly odd
pills they gave me for my blood
had changed my brain
I trudged through life
legs like cement
the doctor kept prescribing more pills
"I'm worried about the..."
smoking and drinking probably didn't help
It ain't romantic
I boozed to forget it all
but then I got tired of it
Yuck booze
I drank so much 
every night
and did nothing much
so I quit 
And now I do nothing much but sober

 I heard a foghorn last night

off in the distance
  It sounded like it was 1969
I was in bed smoking
   with the window open

 The stars were put there for me

   I called out but the reply
was a gaggle of geese
I walked on
  I wonder if the Chinese place is open?
Kung Pao chicken waits for no man

 I moved like a broken cowboy 

   in a porn movie
my mustache was like the seventies
   I had no ADHD
   no pancake driven dreams
Leather chaps 
  and a corvette 
yellow and dripping oil

Monday, February 24, 2025


 There was no sigh of relief.

Cars were everywhere. The music played and played.
Some kind of African guitar and drums and some shaky thing. It went on and on.
Outside the sun poked through. A bus went by.
 His chakras were not aligned.
Birds chirped. 
The streets were wet.
African music played.
He was not in Africa.

 The cafe played Soweto street music.

 The hobo said

"It's another day. Nothing special about it."
As he drank his latte.


 I don't know nothing

I got a handle
on you
you're nothing
But I don't know you
Say la vee 
Je m'apelle Pinche 
  what's your name
  Bright Skies?
   Solemn Swine?
I just dunno
 I drank sake yesterday
 It cost one dollar
  at that price 
   who could say no?
     Everybody else
     but it was fun
    It's nice to drink booze

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 We crafted Brinks armored car emotions

   drove to atm's of despair 
  left deposits of sadness
and rage
 cashed it in
  left broke
 sometimes penniless 
   sometimes rich 
  the west bank 
     the banks of the river Thames
   the burial place of Pocahontas
  he banked it
    and ran
the side eye
   the no left turn
      the complacent
the Salmon fight
  up the river
to spawn and die
  bears fattening themselves
before sleep
   the carjacking of America
the sleep that burns
  the "ya gotta pull the hammer all the way back"
    and RFK Jr has polio of the brain
or a worm
We crafted a USA of Slavery and Genocide 
  we the people
get screwed

 cremated wind

  ponders your past
the Frost house
  Davis Ave
  the Ho Chi Minh trail
(my dad named it)
  to the creamery
through the woods
behind our house
via railroad tracks
  an elf circle
and a found felt hat
  accused of stealing
  I found a home plate (baseball)
in the woods
   the 2nd grade boy got hit in the head w a baseball bat
  I was taking him to the school nurse
  when she ran up and yelled at me
I would imagine she's dead now 
  I was in second grade you stupid bitch
  But you were probably stressed out


  to a fault
bad to the bone
on your radio dial

 death ponders 

a sullen good bye
 stealing memories
  There are no chess games
     Max Von Sydow

 Greed courses 

Through blood veins
    eyes red and swollen
   skin dry and flaky
    hands shaking
   the bourbon gets poured
    as we listen to Merle Haggard
    who died of double pneumonia 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

 My feet hurt

I don't know why. I like to walk. Maybe I need better shoes. Who knows?
I took my film in to be developed and scanned. 
La dee da


Friday, February 21, 2025


We drove cross country in a red VW Squareback. We stopped in Illinois at some friends of my dad's and we watched the landing on the moon. We watched it in their basement and it seemed like it took forever. 
When we got to California we stayed at Stanford University in a dorm. My dad was teaching summer school classes there. There wasn't hardly anybody living in the dorms during the summer but there was a nice youngish guy who lived there and he had a tv. We didn't have a tv in our dorm room. He asked if I wanted to come over to watch tv. I was all heck yeah. I loved tv.
One time when I was playing baseball by myself the ball rolled into the shrubs by the dorm. I had to get on my hands and knees and crawl in to get it. I found a wine bottle with fluid in it and a rag stuffed into the bottle. I thought that's weird - why would you put a rag in a bottle? Years later I realized it was a Molotov cocktail. 

 When I was ten I played golf with my Great Uncle Werner.

Uncle Werner owned a dairy farm in Wisconsin. He was a very nice old gentleman and he offered to take me out to play golf.
Uncle Werner was married, I think, but I don't remember his wife. I don't think they had any kids. But I might be wrong.
Being ten I had never played golf but I played baseball and had a pretty good swing. On the first hole he let me go first. I swung back and hit the ball as hard as I could and it went straight down the fairway. 
"Wow, not bad!"
Uncle Werner got in place and whacked the ball. He shanked it and it went into the trees. That's all I remember.


 I'm tired

I went for a long walk after lunch. It's a beautiful day. 
Some guys were playing jazz in the park. I listened to One Note Samba by Jobim. Then I moved on. Down the street people were doing their people things in the park on a beautiful day. 
Now I'm home and my feet hurt and I'm tired. This is what happens when you get old. 

 Did you have a falling tree

in your brain?
  Well I did
   She said you're a toy caboose
I said you're a papoose
  Then the fun started
 We had linguini and clams
   I had a Pernod 
  and drank so much water
I  almost died
 Good grief 
that's a day 

 The craters fell

   into a dance
     blackened by beautiful sunshine
       caldera's last name
    Was unknown
  the roads went through the woods
  Her name
was seen on a sign
   by the cafe/bar/gas station
  maybe a coincidence
we could hear the oceans roar
     Joe was not drunk
  let's stop and get a steak!
 and that was the beginning 


    I'm taken
      I've got no choice but it's unfortunate 
  turkeys on the road 
    at war with everything
  curses the doorbell
   spilled beer around the sofa has stained
his mind
   Perhaps it's unfair!
   Issues I think
 best to just let it be

Thursday, February 20, 2025

 The blues were marked

open eyed drunk
leaping and falling
crying and laughing 
The blues didn't care
He's drunk!
Let's go get some tacos
Hmm good idea-
He'll be here when we get back!
they caught a 52 toward the ocean


 Grief has no sidewalks

    stumbling but not looking
   you part your hair on the other side
    the mirror is backwards
   But it doesn't matter
   It's Thursday and you have nothing to do 
   The sun is shining on a bright blue sky
  You say fuck it put
your pants on and get on with it

 Blues & Haikus

  stoned on the edge of the western shore
    Oaks and firs
  a breezy day
   with tourists buried 
    and old Victorian sculptures missing a leg
  and an arm
  Diana the Huntress
  watches from her broken pedestal
  She calls out her hunting cry!
 But there is only the wind
a squirrel scampers
up a tree


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

 Don Cuco 

would come to take care of the plants- the tiled
patio was covered in plants - like a 2nd floor Jungula-
he was always dressed nice and he would sweep up and trim and water the plants. Don Cuco wanted to marry Teresa but she wasn't having any of that. 
Don Cuco lived with his mother out by the river and was very religious. 

 No Tire La Basura Antes De Ocho

Down on the street he put the sign 
but it didn't matter
they did what they wanted to do
On the corner the old guy with the skin affliction
had a torta shop- he'd make you a good cheap torta
Don Pedro
No sign on his shop- they said if you have a sign
you have to pay taxes-
at night two young sisters would sell tacos
they just set up on the sidewalk
75 cents for a taco 
and they were good

 Mole Pipian 

green mole- I thought mole was like
chocolate but
this they said was from pumpkin seeds
twenty years later they were still there
but no Pipian

 another freeze dried morning 

It's easy 
not as good but  
it reminds me of my dad
he always made freeze dried coffee
in Mexico we'd sit with a view
of the Bahia Banderas
and the large church
and drink our coffee
Teresa would make breakfast
you could hear cars and old beat up trucks
downshift to make it up the steep hill

 I woke up early

Mom needs to get shots in her eyes
My sister and I double team her
It makes it somewhat fun
poor old gal can't remember much 
but she's still here
she can identify people in photos
If she adjusts her glasses
I tell her "You're old!"
and she laughs

 A croak

from her
blossomed into the night
What day do we leave
I don't think I can go
I'm not in any shape for all that
That's the way it goes
haven't heard from her since
But what did I expect 
She's ten years younger than me

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

 The madness corroded the telephone

until all was lost
sounds bad
  but there's still chipmunks 
and a form of Komodo Dragon

 I went and got bacon and eggs for breakfast

at some semi-fancy French restaurant
everybody was speaking Mexican 
maybe it was a region in France
the best part was they don't take tips
I guess I saved six bucks
Woo - hoo!

 The days click by

like horses at the glue factory
I slept from 8 pm to 6 am
then I went to get my new prescription 
Sorry your insurance didn't approve it so it's 
You're sorry? Nah

 Until said discoveries

   are impugned 
Until storied times
   are released
   like frost houses 
    and van trappists 
      in cancer zones
      when you're a jet...
Until screams are released
   and cries are 
   turn left at Greenland 
    sigh and pretend
everything is going to be ok

 Slammed my head

   on Bristol 
  slept amongst
     trolls under the bridge 
  ate bangers
    A true time
   see the flowers 
      in your mind
 the world is failing?
   nah just gotta roll
  with the spiders

Monday, February 17, 2025



 Jesus asked God 

When was my birthday?
God being a typical dad didn't know.
Christmas he said

 I can hear beeping

    like an eighties car alarm
  but just beep beep beep
what is that?
  who knows?
   who cares?
  Somebody getting in their car 
       going to who the fuck knows where
     but they have purpose
I gotta go! 

 in the old days

  I'd get stoned and type 
on a cheap typewriter
    about Napoleon of the streets
      or the last fair deal gone down
   I got tons of old stuff
     in boxes somewhere
   now it's all online
   No more paper
    no more boxes
 just hiding away
   Online somewhere
  with four or five unknown readers 
Out there going
   this guys fucked up
   Ah it's another day
   the sun is kinda shining
  friends are posting
   from Cozumel
   cuz their home is -16 w wind chill
   Im pretty lucky for 
  a guy who really didn't do much


casual cadence
I try
   but it's fate I
   the sidewalks
   stare at me accusingly
   but I keep moving
    if I don't walk I'll
die gotta keep the blood
    sometimes a young gal
    will look at me
      but I'm too old for that
       I get perturbed at
          people on bikes
     on the sidewalk
     I'm a grumpy
   old man

 I got no hope

I creep along
an old white haired man
   on my way to a Chinese restaurant 
    or a double espresso
   I sit and watch people come and go
    then I get up and go look at CD's at a giant record store
 $2.99 for Greatest Hits
  too expensive
 I pick out a couple cheapies 
   then I put the CD's in the car 
  and go back to my cave

Sunday, February 16, 2025

 a dreamer

   walks in memories
don't pass
   the tequila
      the lime 
    the salt
  don't cry 
   don't laugh
    don't turn on the tv again
 what town is this 
  Motel 6 has a safety valve 
  As long as you pay
you can stay
   but why would you want to?

 Gravel toothed and Lordy lord

    swaying in the evil wind
brackets and turds in your ears
    torn up sneakers and knees torn
out jeans 
    that horse died years ago 
      put on the leather
    remind of 101
      or 17 thru Los Gatos
   with the stories of the streets
   the tapes are worn out 
you lived another day
   another time 
your face has changed

Saturday, February 15, 2025


 blow me down

   like a squall
a sunstroked clam digger
   selling fries
    to Washington DC
Slay the course- be
tried and rued 
   and battered and bruised

 sycophant news

   Please spread 
tribes of sycophants
breaching the breeches 
bust or death
   live stupid or die
    pass the New England

Friday, February 14, 2025


 parading the monsoon

      pants soaked
    socks and shoes wet
dripping and shaking 
  hello another day


Thursday, February 13, 2025

 Jimmy lived in a nice house on the hills overlooking LA.

His mom worked for a movie studio. She was on the phone a lot. Jimmy wasn't really sure what she did.
Roscoe was whimpering and scratching at the sliding glass door. 
Jimmy opened the door and Roscoe took off like a shot.
Roscoe was usually kept on a leash outside. 
He could see Roscoe and where Roscoe got over the fence. 
Roscoe was running through the scrub brush towards the next house. Jimmy wasn't sure who lived there. The Williams had moved to Spain and Jimmy didn't know who was living there now. He'd seen a fancy car but nothing else really. 
Jimmy went out and climbed over the fence and followed where he saw Roscoe had gone. It was toward the neighbor house. 
He could see the neighbors deck and the door was slightly open. The car was gone though. 
He got up near the house and yelled out. 
He could see Roscoe running around in the house.
"Gosh darn it!"
He walked up to the door and looked in. It was pretty nice inside but kinda messy.
"HELLO!" He shouted. 
He stepped in and looked around. He didn't see Roscoe but he saw a gun on the coffee table. It was next to a large mirror with some white powder on it. 
'Huh, a gun.' He thought. 
He'd never held a real gun.
He picked it up.
"P-KEW P-KEW, I'm shooting bad guys!"
There was a large oil painting of a man in a fancy suit over the fireplace. 
He pointed it at the man's forehead and pulled the trigger.
BLAM!! The gun went off and put a hole in the painting right at the man's forehead. It frightened the heck out of Jimmy and he dropped the gun. 
Roscoe had shown up and Jimmy grabbed him by the collar.
"Come on Roscoe! Let's get out of here!"


Jimmy didn't want to go to school.
He didnt like Mr. Showalter. 
'He's faking.'
He heard his mom calling him.
He rolled over. 
"Jimmy! Get up! You're late!"
"I don't feel good"
"What's wrong?"
"My tummy hurts"
"Mom has a meeting this morning"
"I don't think I should go to school, I don't feel good "
His mother looked perplexed. 
"Well, I have to go but I'll be home around lunch. Will you be okay here by yourself until then?"
"I think so"
"Okay there's cereal on the table if you get hungry, I'll see you around 1 o'clock. Bye sweetie"
His mom left the house got in her car and headed down the road. 
Jimmy got out of bed. He was wearing his pajamas with the NFL logos. Roscoe the dog came running in.
"Hi Roscoe!"
Jimmy sat at the table and poured himself a bowl of fruit loops.