Monday, July 18, 2005


Well here I am in Boise. I really don't feel like writing anything because I'm standing at the computer terminal in the the Boise Library. They don't provide chairs for people who use the internet computers. Why the hell not? You can use the internet for a half hour for free but I guess they don't want you to be comfortable while you do it.
There are some real hipster freaks here in Boise. Some dude surprised me while I was waiting for the light to change. I heard somebody say hey buddy and when I turned around this 65 year old long haired dude who was shaking and whose eyes were functioning independently of each other and his brain was about five inches from me.
I thought he was going to stab me with a used syringe.
"Uh no, and back off."
So much for compassion on a daily basis.
Speaking of compassion the Dalai Lama is coming to Sun Valley and will be speaking for free. I saw the Dalai Lama at UC Santa Cruz in 1982(?). He was pretty cool and funny.
I also saw Buckminster Fuller speak at UCSC around the same time. He talked for at least six hours straight without stopping except to take a drink of water. It was pretty amazing. He started in about the origins of technology from the beginning of sailing and then just kept going.
Outside of Boise are three geodesic domes that house the Holy church of the Baptized Christ Child or some such mumbo jumbo...


  1. I noticed the same thing in Portland. Even the nicest, most suburban libraries are just a place where you can stand up using the internet and get hassled by the wacky 'library-wing' of the homeless.

    Oh yeah, good to see you in super-friendly, eager-to-please, filled-to-the-brim with hippie idealism Portland, Oregon.

  2. Nothing worse than standing at a terminal. Brutal.


  3. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Dogs! Dogs! Dogs! Dogs!
    Penguins! Penguins! Penguins!
