Saturday, February 26, 2011

something like a Subaru

I'm going to write a long poem
now. full of encylopedias and earthworms
cicadids and bifurcated PVC pipe.
I'll do something, say something, write something
long and effortful worrying all the time that
this isn't right or that shouldn't be that way but in the end
it won't matter . why? Well, because it won't. Becasu. Japanese for because.
Becasu you said so. Becasu I said so. And who am i? The one who gets to say.
So shut yer pie hole. and listen. to a story about a man named jed and the cement pond. Granny said she wouldn't cook any vietnamese if jethro killed them. but that's not
anything and I'm referring to myself as some kind of a metpahor
phor existence, best not misspelled . my typing is bad, poor. my typing is poor.
but it gets words into the machine. i could tell you a story about typing class in ninth grade but I won't. It's boring. So is this "long" poem. Becasu.

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