Friday, November 04, 2011

We watched the sentinel light on the other side, passing the time smoking.
No three to a match lest one of us end up hit with a tungsten projectile. Strange that this would still be true. Since the colonization we've found many similarities with the past.
Lepzig says he's been trying to keep a list. I think he has trench mouth or trench foot, I don't remember which, on it. Also the three matches. Dysentery, fever, foot rot(maybe that's trench foot) anyway he seems to think there's not much difference between what we are doing and WW1 two hundred years ago. I say horses, where are the horses? And he counters what, we're living beings fighting robots and droids- same thing. And I guess he's right. Funny thing about robots- after a while they break down in the mud. But they can still kill you. It might be sitting there for six months and if you walk by it'll blast you. But there are certainly a lot of them that will never harm anyone again except perhaps by leaking their infernal bio-oil fluids into the water. Rudy says I-Corp has a vast filtering system before they send out the fresh water to the troops but I don't know-sometimes it doesn't smell so great. Charlie got flambe-d last night. Torched the whole left side of his servo suit. Luckily we got him out in time. He should back on the line in a few weeks.
We got cigarettes yesterday. So that means we're going out soon. It's a sure sign we'll be sent out. As much as we love the smokes we dread opening the supply drop and seeing them.

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