Sunday, September 29, 2013

63 Ford Fairlane
echofisk three
indian store batik ceiling
marantz tape deck under the drivers seat
blaupunkt speakers on the back
also covered with batik; hidden
suspension kind of low
car weighed A TON
all metal and steel
drove to Santa Cruz
also Oregon that summer
in the drizzly sunshine
listening to Blood on the Tracks
and Old and In the Way tape
my sister made
smoked a lot of pot
in the HEAVY rain
on hwy 17
cars going 75 mph
round great long round curves
past hwy 9
the old highway
at one point I had an sx 70
and took little square polaroids
everything analog except fortran nerds
and IBM and Lawrence Radiation Lab
punch cards and printer paper
drawing floating race cars
on computer printer paper
no computers in the hand on the wrist in your ass
like right now
was that better
uh stupid
driving to west Cliff
and Seabright
down to the garden mall
listening to jazz on sundays and smoking clove cigarettes
drinking white wine in the hot sun
playing guitar
jamming out