Wednesday, January 22, 2014

he was riding his bike
when somebody threw an apple core at him
from a passing car
he heard them laughing
it him in the back of the head

another time he was waving to
his friends across a busy street when
he ran into the back of a parked car
he racked himself pretty good
and his friends were laughing

this happened in front of the cemetery
the administrative building for the cemetery was right there where
he ran into the car
somebody heard him crash and yelled out
"I ran into your car."
"On my bike."

One time he road his bike way out
on the road to the mines
this was in the country
the road intersected a wooded area
that a creek ran through
he stopped to eat his lunch at the creek
he met some Mexican kids who were living in a trailer
by the creek
they hung out and played for a while
they didn't speak any English

He had a red one speed Schwinn
it was called "The Speedster"
he took the fenders off because he thought
they were dorky

One night he left the bike on
the front yard and
the next morning it was gone
this was when his mom had the grey Datsun hatchback
she was a music teacher and there were always
papers she used in class in boxes in the back seat
she used the Kodaly method to teach
Kodaly was a Hungarian composer who
created a method of teaching that involved saying
ta ta tee tee ta

He had some money saved from birthdays
so they went down to the bicycle shop and he
bought a brand new Schwinn ten speed
He picked out a brown one
it was called the "Varsity"
he would go out to the garage just to look at it
it was brand new

He never got the Stingray he wanted
but he did buy a knockoff for fifteen dollars, I think it was the
Sears brand, Huffy.
it had a regular bike seat instead of a banana seat
he and his friends would do motocross in the pit behind
the middle school
one time they built a ramp to
do jumps over
he let his friend do a jump on the Huffy
but when his friend hit the ramp the bike frame broke
and his friend and the bike crashed onto the dirt road

This was way before the Tecate wars began