Tuesday, June 24, 2014

1.the moonwhistle bargain
caught a long goodbye
his converse were thrown off the pier
by a drunk fisherman
so he walked home barefoot

2. all things end
some for a reason
most for a reason
telephone calls sometimes help
depending on who is called

3. do converse float?
he thought about this for awhile
and then went back to his book
outside the sun was going down

4.his golf game went to hell
actually he didn't have a golf game
but he had promised his buddy to play golf for his buddy's bachelor party
unfortunately it rained and everyone backed out except the two of them
they each had a golf cart so they got stoned and and tried to spin out
at the tenth hole it really started to come down so they gave up
and went to to the clubhouse for calamari and tom collinses
