Thursday, February 06, 2020

Carnitas’ mom worked at DooRight Used Cars down on State Street.
A fellow named Lambert Doowright owned the business.
 Lambert’s motto in hiring had been “Women can’t sell used cars!” At least that was his motto until one bitterly cold day in October when Sally Regalo walked onto the lot looking for a job.
“Yeah, I don’t hire women except for bookkeeping and I already got one.”
Lambert was staring at her eye patch. ‘A woman with an eyepatch wanting to sell used cars’ he thought to himself ‘ Jesus Christ, what’s next?’.
She said “Tell you what, in this weather you’ll be lucky if one person walks on the lot. I’ll work all day for nothing and if I sell a car, you give me a job.” And then she smiled.
Lambert was kind of charmed by the smile and her pluck. “ Uh ah, what the fuck.. go for it!”
Then he thought to himself and said “But wait, here, wear this sport coat.” It was orange and purple and polyester. She looked at it slightly perplexed with her one steel grey eye and then she put it on. It was just a little too big.
“Okay I’m going to work!” And she slammed out the door.
Lambert laughed at the sight of her.
“There’s no fucking way she’ll sell a car looking like that in this weather! “
She sold three.