Monday, June 26, 2023

 You should have kept drinking

You'd be a tightrope walker by now
Caressing the shoulders
Breathing new life into a forgotten age
Walking the streets of Des Moines

Your clothes would be torn from your body
By hyenas
With names like Orange Julius
Or Cherries Jubilee

There would be a safari with
Karen Von Blixen
No managers would be requested
And you would fly over Africa
By instruments
Below not a single light
Except a fire by the Masai warriors
Dressed to the nines
And dancing

Robert Redford would be dressed 
In a shirt
You can't buy
And my mom would get mad
At what the cashier said 
At the supermarket 

Things would be stolen
From Sprouse-Reitz
In our 13 year old bicycle rides
I think you took a windbreaker