Tuesday, December 19, 2023

 It's a cool old car 

A 1974 VW Thing- it's kinda utilitarian jeep like car.
They only made them in 1973 and 1974 and they only came in orange or green. His is green. It's a convertible but they came with  plastic vinyl roofs. I think they might still make them in Mexico or at least they did for a while. 
It's been sitting in a guy's yard in the foothills for years and it doesn't run but my friend who lives in Pasadena wants it. He's been complaining about what to do with it to me for years. Finally I was like Jesus either you want it or you don't! If you want it you either gotta get it and tow it yourself (which would never happen because he's just not that kind of guy) or you gotta cough up the money to have it towed down there. He was like I'm worried. Worried about what? He has some problems. Nothing I can do. I try to help him but I can only do so much. C'mon get it done!