We drove cross country in a red VW Squareback. We stopped in Illinois at some friends of my dad's and we watched the landing on the moon. We watched it in their basement and it seemed like it took forever.
When we got to California we stayed at Stanford University in a dorm. My dad was teaching summer school classes there. There wasn't hardly anybody living in the dorms during the summer but there was a nice youngish guy who lived there and he had a tv. We didn't have a tv in our dorm room. He asked if I wanted to come over to watch tv. I was all heck yeah. I loved tv.
One time when I was playing baseball by myself the ball rolled into the shrubs by the dorm. I had to get on my hands and knees and crawl in to get it. I found a wine bottle with fluid in it and a rag stuffed into the bottle. I thought that's weird - why would you put a rag in a bottle? Years later I realized it was a Molotov cocktail.