Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Paris 2013

As Midnight's broken toil
We ducked inside the doorway
Thunder laughing

The red and white
Striped bag of
Parisian mixed candy "bonbons"
Little black rolls with white inside
Large white cubes of nougat with peanuts
Toffee peanuts
Jujy bears different colors
Lost again not enough streets on the map too many streets to fit on one regular sized map it would be like a tablecloth

After sushi
Waiter didn't know what unfiltered sake
Is brought regular, hot
"No sans filtre, c'est froid"
He brings same sake unheated

At lunch watching business people and other
Odd characters and fashion choices
Charlie was right "sit at a cafe
And make fun of people.. It's
A national pasttime."

Sitting next to me at the next restaurant
A modern humphrey bogart at a table
With ma mere - large matron and a
Young mixed race woman ... Thought the young woman
Was girlfriend but then probably daughter
She is checking him for temperature
Hand on his forehead
Then runs to greet a friend
The man calls her name the food has arrived
She back at table tasting his lunch
Her head practically in the plate
First a large amount of hot beans
Then some of the meat, me watching
We make eye contact through the plastic
Ma mere is working away at a giant steak