Saturday, June 27, 2015

The creature stopped and looked around. He thought he heard a noise. He hated those damn dogs. He knew he was close to the evil ones with their dogs. He could smell their poop. It smelled really bad. Even their dogs poop, which was bad, was better than the evil ones.
Then he heard it. It sounded like singing. He bent down low in the shadows and waited. The singing got louder. Then he saw them. Two of the evil ones children. These two were females with long brown hair. They were singing loudly and waving their arms about. The creature waited in the brush and watched as they passed by. They were completely oblivious of his presence even though they were not twenty feet from him. 
He saw their furless skin and the clothes they were wearing. One had a pink and white striped shirt and black shorts. The other had a blue dress. He was afraid they would see him and start screaming. Then those awful dogs would chase him and he would have to kill the dogs.
The girls passed by without incident and disappeared down a dusty trail. The creature silently moved away in the opposite direction. After five minutes he could still just barely hear their singing.