Monday, June 24, 2024

 Full moon

on the beach hundreds of driftwood 
trees on the beach by the 
river CA State Park worker
   sweeping out the restroom told
me there used to be a whole town here with a mill
to process the trees and load them on the railroad 
  Which is gone now both
Town and railroad 
  The Highway is where the railroad used to be
You can still see the old Highway
above the ocean he said there's still some sections
where they had wood planks 
I said like the wood plank road
In the Mojave desert 
There still some sections down there

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


   was a hippo
a cocaine hippo
Pablo Escobar 
 Got shot on the roof  
Running away 
From somebody
   Was everybody high?
Was the hippo?
Probably not

 Old gal

Getting into mischief 
A strawberry banana
As is
 I can't sex  
A thousand senses  
   Like no one's business 
  In Cincinnati 
But not Montreal
   Except the baseball team
Moved to Juarez 
Maybe Mexpo's?
The go  at


Deity c
  Actually quite good 
Bagel well toasted 
  Spilled a little espresso 
Just a drip

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

 Jason was back

He was apologetic. 
"Dad I'm sorry. I fucked up. I wasn't thinking right. I'm sorry those guys messed with you. Did you hear what happened to them?"
"Yeah I heard. I guess we weren't the only ones they fucked with. Sounds like they got some serious payback. I'm just glad we don't have to worry about them coming around here again."
"Jason, I don't know how to say this but I think it's time for you to move out. You gotta do something with yourself and you gotta figure it out. I don't think hanging out w Chester and your other buddies is doing you a whole hell of a lotta good. Here's some money. Get a car and a place and go back to community college. Quit the partying. You're not that person. Tomorrow I want you out. I love you kid but goddammit get your shit together, okay?"
"Okay, Dad."

 I stopped driving the truck.

I had a distinct feeling the cops were watching me. Maybe I was paranoid but the wifi listed nearby WiFi's and one was called Police Surveillance Van. Seemed stupid enough to be real. 
I told Renee everything but she didn't care. She was concerned.
"Sounds awful! Why did you do that?"
"Those guys beat the crap out of me. I know some friends put the heat on them but I don't think it was enough. They'd have been back and I figured I'd beat em to the punch."
"I'm an old guy. I can't be sitting around worrying. They deserved everything they got."
"Okay, let's not talk about it again. What's done is done. Are you okay?"
"Baby, I've never felt better."

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

 Two days later the cops were at my door.

They took me in for questioning. I said can I make a call?
They looked confused. 
"Umm yeah you can make one."
I called Renee. I told her the cops had me and were holding me for questioning. Did she have a lawyer?
She said "Don't say a thing. I'll have my guy down there pronto. Fuck those assholes."
The lawyer got me out. The cops had nothing.
I met her for lunch. I had a BLT and she had a patty melt.
We went back to her place. We had red wine and then we went to bed. It was good. She was a sweetie.
 On the way back I pulled in behind old Arnold's Roadhouse. 
There wasn't anybody around. It was late and quiet. I could hear cricket's chirping. I had an old beat up shovel in the back of the Chevy. I dug a hole about thirty feet back in the trees. I opened the case and grabbed a stack of bills it looked like mostly hundreds and then shut the case and dropped it in the hole and filled it up with dirt.
Driving back on Rte 34 I stopped on the little bridge over Casper River. I hated to do it but I threw the Navy Colt in as well as a box of cartridges. 
"So long old friend"
I got back in the Chevy and drove home and slept well for the first time in a while.

 I loaded up the Navy Colt

I was a little drunk. Errol had told me where Donny lived. It was 3 am. I got in the truck and drove over there near his house turned off the engine and rolled down the street quiet. I saw the house 169 Fenton Street. There were lights on and I could hear the stereo playing. The neighbors must love that. 

I got out and walked up to the house and went through the back gate. The swimming pool was quiet and dark. I could hear voices laughing inside and someone was singing along to the devil went down to Georgia. 

I walked in the sliding glass door which was open. 
Donny turned and said hey old fucker what are you doing in my house?
I said I just came to visit raised the Navy Colt and put one in the center of his forehead. The girl screamed and I shot her too. A fat dude jumped up and I put one in the center of his chest. He went down and he would never get up. 
I heard a blast and turned and saw a lanky long hair wielding a 9 mm. I shot him in the head. 
The music kept playing. I went into the bedroom and there was a briefcase filled with bills. I closed it picked it up and walked out the back. The swimming pool was quiet and dark. The Devil was still going down to Georgia as I walked out the backyard. I got in the Chevy and started her up and rolled out of the neighborhood.