Wednesday, June 05, 2024

 Jason was back

He was apologetic. 
"Dad I'm sorry. I fucked up. I wasn't thinking right. I'm sorry those guys messed with you. Did you hear what happened to them?"
"Yeah I heard. I guess we weren't the only ones they fucked with. Sounds like they got some serious payback. I'm just glad we don't have to worry about them coming around here again."
"Jason, I don't know how to say this but I think it's time for you to move out. You gotta do something with yourself and you gotta figure it out. I don't think hanging out w Chester and your other buddies is doing you a whole hell of a lotta good. Here's some money. Get a car and a place and go back to community college. Quit the partying. You're not that person. Tomorrow I want you out. I love you kid but goddammit get your shit together, okay?"
"Okay, Dad."