Saturday, April 02, 2005

day 4(again)

hmm, well, I entitled this blog with a line from Lewis Carroll's poem Jabberwocky which my father made me memorize when I was eight or nine. My sister got Robert Frost's Road less Travelled so I do think I got the good end of the stick. Anyway, we would have to recite this poem when called upon after our usual candlelit dinner at home. I think we got paid also, though i forget how much. A nickel? dime? something like that. We did much better on giving my dad back rubs which started out at a penny a minute but as we got older went up to a nickel a minute. There was good money to be had at a nickel a minute, especially if the tv was on and the old man fell asleep. You'd just sort of keep your hand on his back and when the show was over you'd roust him with a good jab and say "ok thats an hour, that'll be three bucks."

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