Sunday, April 17, 2005


so yesterday Jimmy James came over and we took some mushrooms that he'd had for awhile. we decided to take a walk up to USF and check out the "scenery". By the time we got to Lone Mountain we were fucking tired and mildly tripping.

I can't really describe what wasn't enough to really get high just enough to make me think about my ex and how i missed her, yeah that's fun...
the scenery was pretty nice though, kind of like being in an impressionist painting, saturday in the park, families and kids, people lazing on the grass soaking up the sun, a slight breeze blowing through the tree tops...
After hanging out in GG park for awhile and up to stoh lake we decided to get something to eat and went to the roof at park chow. The highlight of the meal was when when we were cracking up about something and Jimmy James rips a loud fart.
"damn Jimmy"
The young women at the table next to us shot us some evil glares.
Going back through the haight was an adventure into mordor, orcs and trolls were everywhere, it was like spaceship deadhead had crashed and spewed out the dirtiest ugliest scary space-pirate-zombie proto-manson-seed headkerchief wearing bunch of skanks, etc I mean they were everywhere...
We decided to escape into the calm darkness of Zam Zam. Surrounded by twinkling bottles of sweet booze we fortified ourselves with irish coffees and then a couple Jamesons.
ah yes sweet nectar that soothes the soul...

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