Monday, April 04, 2005

what day is it?

This is what happens after being under-employed for so long. Wasn't it the current president of Harvard who referred to Africa as under-polluted? Now there's a concept for you...sounds like something they'd come up with at a think tank. fucking eggheads.
What did they say about Ishi (the last native american living in the wild)? he looked on the whites as sophisticated but not wise.

Taking care of the Dog. Named Stanley aka crowd pleaser. Amazingly he's not chewing on anything at the moment, although he did have a good barking session at the recycling truck. yeah get 'em.
oh boy the ncaa final tonight. unc vs the fighting Illini.
I don't think the dog likes Nirvana. he keeps yelping. Maybe they sound like the recycling truck.
Pennyroyal Teeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa.

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