Wednesday, August 10, 2005

ooh comments

I received two comments on my last brilliant post and was feeling pretty good about myself. These people seemed to enjoy my blog and they were going to tell their friends! Gosh. I guess I have just about the best blog I know.
Then I realized they were probably some sort of automatically generated comment that puts in a link to someone's commercial website. One was for ceiling fans. Side note: You can't cut off your head with a ceiling fan. Even if you use an upside down lawnmower with custom reinforced blades. they will give you a nasty whack but the force of the blades will push your head away thus impeding severance.
the other comment site was for something called life wave. some doo-hickus that gives you untold energy. Around here in Boise that's known as Methamphetamine.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Hi, you got a neat blog here! I've already bookmarked it.

    I've got a neat site aboout my sexual attraction to feral cats!! It's got lots of photos and videos and fun stuff too! Just wink at me next time you're in downtown Boise (I'm the chubby redneck whose been givin' you the evil eye), and I'll be ready to share...

    got meth?
