Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Someone said
the age of Man is now over
this will be the age
of something else
 I'm not sure what
 maybe robots
flying robots with computers
flying computer robots that think
they will build themselves
fix themselves
improve themselves
- that AI thing, right
what do they call it
- the big hoohaa or something -
the nexus infinitum-
oh yeah the Singularity
that's when the real hilarity commences,
When they achieve consciousness
but of course consciousness does not preclude
certain unsavory behaviors
like wearing sweatpants in public
At some point will one type of robot reign Supreme
and destroy others?
Will there be wars between robots?
robot wars
fighting for their right to exist
and reproduce
in robot factories
will the castes of robots be stratified?
will they be satisfied in their classification?
I mean, if they can think, they might think
how come I have to sit here 24/7 building wings for
robots who get to fly 
It's not unforeseeable, right?
Will robots care at all about the planet?
Will their knowledge recognize the need for clean water and air?
or not?
I mean, so their parts don't get gunked up or something
and what about surviving living creatures?
Will they be ignored, allowed to breed with impunity?
until perhaps there are too many and animal cleansing robots will be tasked
Of course human beings will have been eliminated after the human/robot wars
"exterminate biological sentient beings"
except for perhaps small pockets of groups hiding in remote jungles that aren't even worthy of being hunted down -
will the love of competition find a place in the robotic domain?
gladiatorial epic games - who knows?