Sunday, May 03, 2015

weird dream
invited to an art show
while we were working
site visits
for some reason carrying
two Colt Navy .45's and
some other handgun
my supervisor asked why I was yelling
while I told her what I was working on
and one of my staff had left her hair
which she had been cutting
on the floor under my desk
then she turned into poet friend from the nineties
but she was walking all bent over and drooling
then we were singing a song I wrote
with DK
and we were jogging
got to the gym and coworkers were pulling twelve packs out and
drinking and I said I'm going to the art show
it's just down the street
kitty corner
but it turned out to be a movie
at some funky night clubish place
with weird chairs 
the movie was a documentary about a good friend of mine
and the shit he did in the nineties
called "Mysterious You"
and we got free beer with price of admission
but all the beer was gone and a woman took two wine bottles
and said it was for her staff but then she
saw who I was with and she gave me a glass
and then my friend and this woman
said c'mon we're gonna go to the ?
and walked up the stairs and were waiting outside a glass door
but I said I had to find my camera
and as I walked by a window there was a large fat cat
at the top of this tree staring up at the sky
...later I met the director of the movie
and he wanted my card but I didn't have any
but I did have the card of the guy they made the movie about
it had a photo of a butthole with the phone numbers
and he gave it back