Friday, May 20, 2005

Last Day In Vegas chapter Three

The shovel bit into hard earth like an old man with dentures trying to eat a Granny Smith apple. It didn't make matters any better that she was wearing three inch stiletto heels. After scraping off the top layer of sand she was basically digging into solid rock.
It didn't really matter though because the person she shot wasn't dead or even near dead. He was just in a lot of pain. In fact he was quite conscious and moaning.
"Why the fuck did you shoot me? I suppose you're going to kill me with that shovel and then bury me out here? Didn't you think to see if there were any bullets in the gun before before you decided to come and kill me. Goddamn, you are a stupid bitch."
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She screamed and started to walk towards the car.
When she shot him in the parking lot she had been a bit nervous and although Johnnie Pai-Gow was a rather wide target she had, with the first shot, only managed to graze him. After that the gun just went click click click. There had been one bullet in the chamber but the clip was empty. Johnnie had a rather low tolerance for pain and had fainted after the first shot. She had pushed his unconscious body into the passenger seat and had jumped into the car and driven him to this remote spot where she figured she would bury him dead or alive.
Johnnie realized he was in no condition to deal with an insane woman carrying a shovel. Inexplicably she had left the keys in the ignition.
They both realized this at the same time.
Johnnie started the car and shoved it into gear as the woman started running towards him holding the shovel like a lacrosse stick.
He popped the clutch and sand and gravel shot towards her as he pulled away. She held the shovel up with one arm and launched it at him like a javelin. It careened off the top of his head as he pulled away.
"FUCK" he screamed as the pain shot through his brain. He pulled on to the asphalt and kept going. Blood was dripping down the side of his head but the adrenaline was keeping him conscious. He thought of going back to try and run her over but he figured she would have it tough getting back to town as they were probably forty or fifty miles from anything and night was coming on. Also he wanted to find out who she was and what he had done to make her want to kill him.
He opened the glove compartment and pulled out his flask and a bottle of aspirin. He sipped the whiskey as he drove into the setting sun. Then he noticed her purse laying on the floor by his feet.

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