Thursday, February 12, 2009

soon to be released !

After the notoriety from the attempted censorship and forced apology from the administrators I have some folks interested in doing a movie of my story! Fucking and A!
They want to call it 'Whiffling Through the Tulgey Wood' and then some subtitle like 'a bloggers story' or 'Life of a Blogger'. They would try to get a real sense of what my daily life is like - filming me for three weeks as I go through the process of trying to put my life back together after the devastating events of my blogger censorship and enforced apology. Me meeting with my lawyer talking about how where the deep pockets are, how we can get the UCLA (united civil liberties of america) to help with the legal fees and xeroxing, scenes of me riding my bike to the cafe to get a double latte,saying hi to some cute girls, stuff like that. i think this could be a summer sleeper especially if we throw in some CIA stuff. It's really a lot to deal with.

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