the frumious bandersnatch or whose part is this? The Tecate Wars 2007-2031 V. 1(non-explicated)
Saturday, December 29, 2012
to open the screen door
Let the cat out
but it was ignored
the cat meowed
so I fed it
we had leftover fish sticks
the cat was not
he took a dump on
the persian rug
in the study instead
My dad would find it later
or not
he wasn't very aware of
his surroundings
unless he was staring at something
it didn't exist
a roving band
of zombies could stumble
right up to him
until their drooping fleshy
hands were on him
he wouldn't even notice
his hearing wasn't so good either
or maybe that was a big part of it
he said what a lot
so I got to say it backing to him
not very nice
he's old
but he would laugh
and then get some ice cream
they took his license away
but he kept driving
to the library
in town
and the to the all you can eat
chinese buffet
on Fenton St.
he called it Fen-Tone
If I was driving
which I do now
he would say
take Fen-Tone
one of the few things he remembers
They said he ignored the traffic lanes
and tried to make an illegal left on
Second St.
so they impounded his
the van
he took a cab home
seven miles up into the hills
He thought the grass around the ranch house
was getting too long
maybe he thought he was a native american
and set fire to it
by a stroke of luck the
fire melted the main water hose
going into the house
and the gushing water
put the fire out
stroke of luck
of the felix ano
i spied
with my little eye
in Esperpento
j prufrocks sad story
of bitches comin and
speaking of Michael Bolton
I lashed out
"the system"
fell up the escalator
and put mustard
on my fries
I was the seeker
the visionary
that my meds
were working
I had a universal remote
I could change channels
in ... another GALAXY
I wasn't the crazy one
I had a bank account
I didn't kill anyone
in Belize
time is my mistress
of commercial Latitude
was insufficient to thoroughly
true nature
listening to the ravens outside my window
will have to do
2. If I cannot make peace with all the
world I will make a piece of pie
and a cup of coffee
3. If nature has forgotten how to behave
and my stripes are backwards I will no longer drunk dial you.
4. As memory insists I am not to blame
I will act more kindly towards small animals
and larger game
5. To Time
I can only
say one thing:
6. The broken LP's in my sister's collection were
not my fault
7. If Love were an alien space ship it would leave alien take out food
at my door
8. Remembering is a lost art
and my memory is a broken tube of cadmium yellow
( this makes no sense)
9. I wish I had more
to say
10. don't.
manifest in igloo like silences born
in a drive by shooting his name well thats up for speculation
something like cannabis or salt peter?
his motto was "Don't be the lookout"
the family crest was a mongoose eating a chicken
the backstairs led nowhere so that was where they
held their meetings sometimes they'd make someone
take their pants off but usually it was just baseball cards
and firecrackers
Times memorial was a baby ben clock
thrown through a window
see time flys
then he got punched in the eye by his dad
the gun was broken but they used it anyway it still
worked to scare the shit out of people including the cops
who gunned down his cousin Larry who
had only come along to get "data for his term paper".
after that he went to florida
and worked for awhile
on a fishing boat
outside of Delacroix
His parents knew he was responsible and
would send him money to hide their guilt
Larry's parents(his aunt and uncle)hired an old black man to
kill him but he and the old black man ended up smoking up all the hit money
on crack
eventually the black man wandered away and his name was forgotten
When he turned 22 he
decided to join the military
but was rejected due to Unsovereign Spinal Atrophy
he never found out what that was and
he never had any symptoms all he
knew was they called it USA
"You got the USA we can't use you."
It was the strangest thing he ever heard but he didn't even think about it
while he was hitching a ride
back to the coast the old man
who had picked him up said he wanted a blow job
he told him he'd give him a hand job for $40 and the old
fellow gave him the money and then immediately had a stroke and died
he put the old guy under a tree after
removing his wallet and his watch.
drank and drunk
played out like a five fiddle orchestra
in derivatives
and malapropisms
and bent toward
with toothsome
and double beehive mirrors
we are not without feeling
begat the begotten
begin the beguine
brag for all yer worth
and board the next train
if there is one
the stolen rivers
wet the weak
soured by lemons
and mangroves
arid in their distillery
perfunctorily resplendent in snakeskin leather and violet eyeshadow, amicably
turning the grinding mill
thinking of the temperature
and when to wait and when to go
"I am not the archer of your dream"
oh you, Sagittarius freak
go put on your nightie and your running shoes
I'll be here waiting with my drawing pad and
a spring loaded Deputy Dog
Oh, ever watchful
I wait, I am the waiter
not the one who serves
not the one whose fingers are snapped to
not the one who gets the order wrong
not the one who brings the bill
I am the waiter
ya know, like George Bush.
Mission Accomplished.
bereaved is bereaved like a
hydratic equation
death/loss over pain/suffering by time + (distance)
R= nothingness
B= Being
Rythmn and Blues
Lucille knows
so does Caledonia
and Annie
Charlie doesn't get it
I am not supposed to know
but we all know he's dead
and that's what fucking hurts
Saturday, November 24, 2012
that's gross
pick up your toys
I've got a mustache for you
Are the red headed step children coming this year?
Please remember I don't eat road kill!
As the brakes on the Chevy gave out
AS the Mercury Montego'd its way
As such is such
and nonesuch so much less
Heavily added with a mention of
the exclusion of past friendships
carrying out the eurotrash
Sunday, June 10, 2012
dropped from my
arrow bent letterhead morning
as the brakes
of the train
and the shifting crane
above our heads
looked dangerously swaying
we cleared out noisily
and took others in kind
to look at pictures
and take photos
I spent money
over 20 years membership
and bought a bucky postcard
Thursday, May 03, 2012
\boarded up now
boll fested
born unto the white festoon
Marvin Martian tried for
a salt and peppery
sam and ralph
and the
seven sister pools
of Maui
the macro
reading the micro
GOD in the deets
and a splint for his
broken leg
I've borrowed my weight in macaroons
no macadamians
dreadful to be inaccurate
as you are
as you were
ten HUT
mr bronkowski
MIsty river
MI and yo
somewhere theres a ball game where
the expos
have not been forgotten
'67 Baby!
still have a felt pennant.
I think it's in a box in the barn
near the mortar and pestle
found while bulldozing the septic tank
that and some human bones
wish I had a Winchester
rancher shot another rancher near the coal mines for letting
his cattle graze on his property
seems a mite extreme.
grass don't grow on trees ya know.
demon of the straits
and the other Scylla THE ROCKS
to be dashed against them
or sucked into the whirlpool
of the latter
my friend says it Chtulhu to be wary of
and I agree
Be wary
be very very wary
for the deep is deep
and dark
and Chtulhu is an ugly swirling many eyed
but the sky is beautiful
and death so permanent
clouds in my soul
my soul like a street in the city
cars double parked
firetrucks racing to get somewhere
where something probably not so good
is happening
a bloodied drunk on the sidewalk
a greasy kitchen fire
a three car pile up
all in my soul
but if not then maybe
a beach somewhere
where you can forget
what you can't forget
That your soul is painted again
this time dark green
to get rid of the chipped and dirty
off white with a spaghetti sauce stain
and the mornings
are still awake
listening to the sound of
the kettle scraping on
the stove
the click of the gas
Ka BOOM the whole house goes up!
no just a little flame and we wait
for the coffee
putting on pants and socks
shoes need a shine
calling LeHavre
Aki Kaurismaki
and ironing a shirt
wondering about what we can
cause the health is in danger
feeding the disease
better to exercise then smoke!
and don't eat pigs ass sausage
like the French
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
from your window
as the cleaning lady sighed
scratch that let's move forward
2105 the forces of Grey Lord have moved
ever easterly
their warships blistering with
billboards and tokens from
yes, battles
One young Grey Lord recruit, named Quan Li,
lost a foot in the battle but he knows that
his fortunes will reverse
due to the three eyed catfish his mother caught last month
she texted him.
but that's what writing is all about.
next I'll train a monkey to make leather belts
um pass the patois
err you'll be the last one to buy my novel
but by then I'll be living the good life in Mexico
eating mango from a bag
and wishing they'd stop honking their horn after beating Americas
Thursday, April 05, 2012
The ruins are ALOFT
TIME brings winged monkeys upon us
You are not embracing Dorothy
You are not a wicked witch
The ruby slippers are oh so pretty
So why do you treat me oh so shitty
If I had a brain why I oughtaaaa
The holy mountain is high on acid
The guru left a plastic turd
If you were a hipster what is the answer
On it you should put a bird
Aqua Sunglasses
Aqua Sunglasses
Aqua Sunglasses
Free me from this boring place.
Aqua Sunglasses
Aqua Sunglasses
Aqua Sunglasses
I might go to OUTER SPACE
Please could you see if my
Time is mine Please could you see
If my time is mine
Dorothy had an affair with
The scarecrow
Auntie Emm was found in the basement cellar
And you were there and you and you
Were there
I’ll get you my pretty!
Monday, March 26, 2012
some time ago
beyond the Cinder Cone
back aways toward
Uncle Runts:
Pool Drinks Food
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Wilfred Thesiger

He was the first European to have crossed the heart of the lifeless Empty Quarter (al-Rub’ al-Khali), the great South-East Arabian sand desert. Arabian Sands (1959) recounts his travels in the Empty Quarter of Arabia between 1945 and 1950 and describes the vanishing way of life of the Bedouins. The Marsh Arabs (1964) is an account of the Madan, the indigenous people of the marshlands of southern Iraq.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
"Get outta here, stupid bird."
The old man kicked at the bird who flew off quickly.
Harlan looked at the old man.
He had grey stubble on his cheeks and he appeared to be missing a few teeth.
"Hey you." The old man spoke to Harlan.
" Yeah?"
"Can I get a dollar for a cup of coffee?"
" I gave my last dollar to the bird."
"What, you gave a dollar to a bird?"
" I gave my last dollar to the bird."
"What bird?"
"The one you just kicked at."
" I didn't kick at that bird. He just flew off."
Harlan stared at the old man. He didn't look quite right. Something in his eyes looked broken.
"Do you live around here?" Harlan asked the old man.
" Nah I don't live anywhere. C'mon just a buck for some coffee. Whattaya say? "
Harlan pulled out his wallet and handed the old man a dollar.
"Alright! Thank you son. Maybe I could get another dollar for sumptin to eat?"
"Why did you try to kick that bird?"
"I tell ya, I didn't kick any bird. What's with the birds?"
Harlan's train was pulling in.
"Okay I gotta go. Have a nice day."
"Alright kid."
Harlan grabbed his suitcase and boarded the train.
The old man was picking up a dog end cigarette from the ground.
pa dingo
pachinko padma
I'm lost in the desert
of my soul
eating Popeye's chicken
carrying a copy of The New Yorker
new corker
pleasure palace padingo
I'm lost in the brevity of my soul
all levity has been dispersed
in Rye Manhattans
and the essence of
the bulwark
the encompassing
ensuing unequivocal
don't berate me here
I'm not under the bough
under the horn of plenty drunk
I'm just feeling a little stressed out.
but it's windy and I need new blinds
what is that?
the desert
of my mind
but the biscuits are good
is that the crux
San Crux
Las Cruxes
I'm Ovid-lating
Ovid latte-ing
banished to a rocky isle
a peninsula of fog
and WIND
ships horns at night like they're
coming in the BEDROOM window
fixed on high
and watching the smokers on the golf course
light their live work lofts
with hundred dollar pills
and George Segal's
white figures are still behind
barbed wire
and the camera is still obscura
but no no never mind
it's beautiful
too much so sometimes
and another ship comes in
with CHINA
and another ship goes out
yes cookies
great greasy god of goodness
am I still here?
in the levity of my sole
walking and
caulking my soul
lest the rain leak in
or OUT
I'm trying to relax here
but I'm not doing a very good job of it
some seagulls are flying overhead
nasty creatures mean birds
they got the hurried worried
but I like the way they ride the up draft off
the OCEAN BEACH break tide wall
where PEDRO insisted he didn't go to
but his bag was gone
somehow he pissed himself though
that much was obvious
somehow things don't matter so much
when the bonfire's burning
but ten o'clock is too early
to stop having a good time
everyone looking at me like I'm high on drugs or
"what have you been up to?"
The dessert of my SOUL
the Ben and Jerry's of my
solidified succotash
sarsaparilla and San Cruxes
the Yeti of my backsassing
Paul Newman
"the brownskinned indian
on the banks that were crowded and narrow"
the effigy
the burning effigy
in white plaster
LOOKING out to sea
and taking photos
"where were you when you heard?"
Oh I'm just skydiving these days
pearl diving with Japanese women
in the hot summer sun
I think I'm gonna keep going but
I'm having visions of green beans
ever since I said succotash
there's an awful lot of sirens
now i'm JUST recording sensory stimuli
populeye chicken
Vox Populeye
and the great great greasy goodness great
can't be great enough
phone call from work
battery change out hours and
still hungry
still sucking on the tash
still worrying the worry
hurrying the hurry
taking pills to slow down my heart
and lower my pressure
like a steam cooker
and the sun is shining virulently
and the sun has gone spiral
sinking in the sea
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The kids made fun of Carnitas' mom.
"Hey Carnie, yer mom's a pirate. Does she have a wooden leg? "
His dad told him not to worry about those kids.
"They're stupid little shits. Don't worry about those little fuckwads."
Carnitas' mom gave him a specially made set of brass knuckles but Carnitas never used them.
The other kids he hung out with were cool and they told the dumbasses to shut the fuck up about Carnitas ' mom or they'd kick their asses. This seemed to Carnitas to be a good solution.
His dad's real last name was Regalozcyski but he changed it when he got out of the army.
"I was tired of spelling that shit to a bunch of dumb fuckwads." He told Carnitas after Carnitas had seen his dad's birth certificate.
"Why did you name me after a choice for a burrito?" he asked his dad.
"Look at me. I weigh 393 pounds. Carnitas is my fucking favorite!"
" What did you do in the army, dad?"
Well fuck that. Well, I was in the war ya know, over in Vietnam. You know about that, right? Vietnam? So anyway I was a radio operator for the 376th air platoon. We had to call in air strikes. Mostly napalm and long range bombing. But it didn't do any good. Them little fuckers were all underground in their fucking tunnels. Bunch of fucking vipers the VC."
Why'd you become a hairdresser, dad?"
"well I aint no fag but when I got back I gained a lot of weight and my mom, yer grandma Grace, worked at the beauty college and she said I might lose some weight being on my feet all day but I wouldn't have to do no heavy lifting or any of that. So that's what I did."
"Dad, what happened to mom's eye?"
You have to ask her about THAT."
One Night in Duluth
'God dammit!"
The lighter fell in to the snow bank.
" Fuck I should have chose to pee under the street light."
Larry lighted the cigarette and looking both ways carefully dropped his pants just enough to get his dick out.
"Lum dee day, Lum dee dahdee day."
Larry had a good piss going when he heard a noise behind him. Right behind him.
"what the...?"
The blow caught him on the shoulder as he turned and grazed along the back of his head.
He spritzed sideways as he fell over a pile of a crusted snow left by the street removal crew.
A dude with a hunting cap and dark glasses was holding a long piece of what looked like an old broomstick and was coming at Larry again.
He jumped to his feet and reacted the best he knew.
He slipped on the ice as the dude swung the broomstick, missing.
Larry kicked the dude's knee hard and heard a crack as well as a loud scream.
the dude screamed.
"ya fucking broke my knee!"
Larry picked up the broomstick.
"alright dickface gimme your money."
"yer the one who's dick's hanging out.
Larry's pants were still hanging down.
"yeah gimme your money or I'll piss on your fucking head."
"fuck you"
Larry looked around. All quiet. No one had heard a thing.
"Lum dee day. Lum dee dahdee day."
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
A chill wind was blowing as he pulled the scarf round his neck and settled into the Passat.
Charlie was barking outside the car.
"Shut up you stupid dog"
He backed down the drive way with Charlie chasing, backed into the street and with a squeel of the tires left the dog behind. He sped up the hill past Jeanette's house and turned right on Elm. He stopped at the seven eleven and bought a newspaper, a pack of Marlboro lights, a bottle of Jim Beam and a can of ginger ale.
He drove the grey Passat to the ball park, parked behind the poplar trees, and sat smoking and drinking.
The newspaper sat untouched. At 5:25 p.m. Mr. Winterston appeared around the corner headed for his '83 Chevrolet El Camino.
Charlie pulled the gun from his coat pocket and draped the newspaper over his arm, hiding the gun.
He traversed the park and met Mr. Winterston at the concession stand. He loved the cherry snow cones.
"Why George, what are you doing here?"
The report echoed against the gym.
"Fuck you."
Mr. Winterston wasn't dead.
The blood was spreading quickly. Mr Winterston's leg was twitching violently.
George dropped the gun in the snow and walked back to the car.
ocelot smelling up the place
and spending a goodly
portion of the day
I really should be concentrating on something else
like sports
or the food network
or the sound of hypocrisy
outside it's raining but somehow
it's not peaceful
shame really
what a waste of a good rain
it seems mostly just obligatory
being March and all
and really it was now or never
and I knew it all along
when you sleep with the window open
you learn the months weather;
beware the ides of March
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
were nestled in the bosom of our lord, or rather
they were sleeping off a mighty
drunk at a curve in the river.
"Yes Kimo sabe?"
"Is that that shithead R. Bunctious and his little butt buddy sleeping over there? "
"yes Kimo Sabe I smelled them after we pass great Oak"
"Let's go fuck their shit up!"
I'm wearing the end of the world clothes
and smoking a Nicaraguan cigar which by the way I like to call a cheroot.
My local laundromat closed - I've been going there for twenty three years. Lost countless quarters
kicked numerous machines
and I've got a mountain of dirty clothes.
what's one to do?
as usual
as the way a Japanese
would sneer
and spit
in Black and White
and Garish Colour
pan atomic-X
the ribald piebald
fleeing godzilla on the
yo tonto hold up
fuck that white man and his panty
we're storming Mt Fuji
for a sno cone
and the monkeys
are stealing our souls
damn them
winter monkeys
in their hot
just bring a me
cup of gunpowder tea
I'll be ok
I haven't worn these shoes before
but my feet are already
high fiving the bath tub
Thursday, February 09, 2012
vanquisher of enemies
Oh "worthy one"
can you hack
views on the relative perfection
anyone who has reached the total awakening
probably needs a large coffee- vente, even
but is it hack time
I need Satsuma
orange perfection
under the Bodhai tree
being fallible and still subject to ignorance
see, I left the peel on the carpet
not pee
peel me a river
without greed
stepwise fashion
aspiring for arhatship
set sail
watch the BOOM
Sunday, January 29, 2012
moon shine
like a crisp ten dollar
me later
on the prairie
right now I'm dancing
IT's the Lindy
no the country swing
ryhmin to die
aint no never mind
smells like brownies
I'm hungry
blowed that boys head off
for stealing a pie
tathagata ain't home right now
he's um on third
ladies lingerie
I always wanted to yell that in the crowded elevator
Tathagata aint home right now
you best cleeeeaaaar outttttttttttttttttt
saying like the night
was your friend
and you had a brassiere on your head
with a morning hiccup
and starched knee joints
barreling through the
down lownsome and thinking
in some
boarded up
with a
moon beam eye
and a hiccup thigh
and twenty pounds of medicine
catching bye and bye
aint so hard
on the old S&P
ye skeedaddle this way and the ye
skeedaddle that way
for ya know it
the yard bull's on ya
but twenty pounds of medicine
goes a long way
up against your head
I need a good long one
about nothing
and nothing is
something I'm good at
so I took the job
sent me over to Bakko County
to run the
but I got into a fight
with a black operator and got fired
no matter that kinda work was
not my fortay
as the say
it wasn't that he was black
don't get me wrong
its just that he wasn't doin it right and he was
obnoxious and I aint gonna suffer
fools who do it wrong
later I heard he got fired and ended up in jail
for killing a dog
true story
anyways Bakko county is not where you want to
be without a job so I drove up north to
visit my cousin
but he was in jail too
for getting caught with a grow room
in the basement
some kids spied it thru the basement
window and told their parents
who immediately called the owner of the house
who called the cops
and now not only was he in jail but his wife
said they were getting evicted
damn! dark clouds, right?
I couldn't hardly leave my cousins wife in
such dire straits
and she did invite me to stay
I had no intention but sometimes
things just happen
so now my cousins in jail, he's getting evicted
and his wife run off with his cousin
sometimes life just kicks you when you're down
Burger King
in ________
and after I ordered
the girl behind the counter
laughed and said
Oh yeah I forgot
we don't have any burgers
and laughed again
and I said in the land where
burgers are King
you have no burgers?
and she said um yeah I'm sorry
do you want something
I said okay bye
from the ice cream machine
self aware
or was it
self centered?
signalling narcocisstic
or carrying a large
and believing in the
power of theater
or theatre
confused, one
on the
but we need to get back
cause time is ticking
kinda tweaky
temperature is
highly unusual
for January
in t shirts
and that girl just smiled at me
that makes me suspicious
I wish I could sleep
and I wish I didn't sleep
so much
The Myth of Sy Philos a play in an unknown number of acts
Sy: (wearily) The load, the heavy, heavy load.
Dark one: Are you complaining again? You bought the thing, now carry it.
Sy: Buy the ticket, take the ride!
Jericho junior: Here, gimme that, I'll carry it!
Sy(turning away) NO , It's mine!
JJ: Jeez whatever
DO: Have you figured out what it's made of? Is it sisel? I think it's stuffed with sisel.
JJ: you just like saying sisel.
Sy: where are we going?
JJ: Um Doc's Clock?
DO: The Lone Palm?
SY: The Latin?
Stranger number one: Hey what is that thing?
DO: we think its a bumper.
S1: a bumper?
DO: yeah a bumper; you put it on the side of the boat so it doesnt scrape against the dock.
S1: Oh
Sy(wearily) it's a heavy, heavy load! we gotta get up that mountain!
JJ: shut up.
S1: Where did you get it?
JJ: He bought it at a store. see?(showing him price tag), $260
S1: wow
DO: he haggled.
Sy: I didn't haggle!
JJ: yes you did! You gave him a lower price.
DO: and he took it , immediately
Sy: He said it was less than he paid for it. If we haggled he would have come back with another price.
S1: well it's a cool thing. later!
all 3: Bye
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
it's just a testing ground
I cant really expect much
2. I'm feeling worn out- somethings got to give
3. I have a number of projects I'm working on
4. He ordered three number threes in his fractured Korean
5. two inflatable kayaks
6.Are they sleeping together?
7. [ ]
8. looking up the old address
9. x 5 =45
10. let's do it again!
what is that
when you
don't think
or when you think too much
lights go down on the theatre
a large woman appears and then disappears
a chevy cavalier pulls on to the stage
"Did somebody order a left handed pizza?"
the near sighted youth at the wheel asked the audience.
"Hey get out of here!" the backstage manager was
screaming. but too late the \\show had begun
Now I lay me down to sleep
how 's that go?
something something something something
there's a hole in my bucket dear Liza dear Liza
and the show had ended
"I really like that part with the pizza delivery guy." A man was saying to his wife.
"Are you hungry?"
They slipped into the all night diner.
the jukebox was playing Elvis Presley's It's Now Or Never.
"the famous date rape song." The man's wife remarked.
a boy was sitting at a nearby booth reading Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
'I'd like to go to Venice' the man thought to himself. Maybe a little "business trip" without the family, heh heh. Those Italian goddesses are really something.
the waitress was in the kitchen crying.
at a nearby table.
'Now that's unusual.' Grimley thought to himself
He'd seen something similar in East Borneo. A giant sloth had taken to wearing english clothes and had been offering his services in the law. Most of his cases were summarily dismissed.
Quan took the bears order without hardly looking at him.
"Hundred year chicken, shrimp chow mein, two orders potstickers, Mongolian beef, sweet and sour pork and two large Tsingtaos. Is that everything?"
the bear pointed at the menu again.
"oh yes and the roast duck. velly good!"
the bear poured himself a glass of tea and tried to fish out some of the tea leaves.
"You should let the tea settle and you won't get those bits in your glass." Grimsley opined to the bear.
"And you should go fuck yourself." the bear replied.
the train
pulls in
and a large black bear gets off
smoking a cigar and carrying
a tattered suitcase
"Where can i get some chinese food?" he asks the porter
who points toward the town as he flees into the station house
The bear takes a bicycle off the rack and pedals down the road avoiding the puddles.
snot important
cant be bothered
its just well
so involved, right?
all that green grass
and mailboxes
ivy covered students
pushing daisies
in baseball dreams
i'm feeling downright exhausted
really cant take the forest for the
or the lake for the knees
you'd think I'd be able to
get out of this
seems kind of conditional
oh well am i just talking to myself
oh what gave you that idea?
buy a 63 ford fairlane
put Blaupunkt speakers in a wood board
cover with batik and lay against back seat window ledge
attach wires to kenmore cassette player
bolt to car floor under drivers side of the front seat
drive car to Oregon
try to drive on to beach
get stuck in sand
play Blood on the Tracks
while smoking pot
in the rain
idropped out
and got STONED
as a bird kite
brain looked at everything with new
fucked up eyes
and saw without
the way grown men play baseball
some how all the fun had been
or it just seemed silly
for some reason
or just addy
typing machine
breaking the back
biting the fjord
somehow in the lost mist
monkeys on women
I think I saw that one
I dont have any energy
it sucks
where s that coffee?
yer stupid
I'm not mean
but I can't seem to
roust my self
its simple really
2+2 =3
when two are one
or at least one two are one , right?
or not , really?
thats a nice macbook pro you have
{hand on gun}
I'll shoot you dead if you look at me
get away from my door
I have a black spot on my hand
I think I fell down on new years eve
actually more like new years day wee hours
but i dont remember
I dont really have much except too much
and mike wants another cigarette
are they?
why are you such a hater?
well ive [given that up]
have a cup of tea
the suns come out
it can't be all bad
can it?
break the hobbit
it aint no thing
like a black devil fortresss
remnants of ancient times
the druid
is on the 3rd level
a stony fortress
and sleek dark arrowheads
primed for blood
black blood
running in the sunlight
dripping ORC
with names like
or Frances?
I dunno its stupid
how are you doing
{i have seen living people}
ah the mines of moria
i think they were Polynesian
at least they finally found a use for a big pollock
twisted his ankle though
and then he had to apologize
I don't know what
the fuck
the damn door bell is ringing again
who does that?
ah well the sun is out that's nice
it ain't no Mordor
Have you seen the Artist?
no I haven't but I know you hate it already
what the fuck again I'm not particularly happy
about this
but I do like the sound of the machine
sounds like a saw
yeah definitely cutting
must be the Shire
great dream
cackle ]
ashes on the lapel
coffee in a saucer
great NEW YORK
she's blonde but
I'm stoned
Let's go to the park
as the sledding
by the statue
washington Sq park
where all the freaks
are roaming
drug addicts
and musicians
and old russian men
newspaper in their coats
I'm slide again
i'm backsliding
I ain't no steve mcqueen
why did I eat clam chowder?
where are you ?
i think somewhere near Nantes?
oh please
well he got the certificate a day before he left
I could not
the time
of timbukto
and Bamako
and Brookly
and draft dodgers
in a kilowatt of drinking energy
wherfore and what not whyfore
i'm perversely
as the sun comes out
my laundry is piling up
but no one wants to hear about it
a blue rolled up mat looms
drawings and 2x2's
an old suitcase with the initials E.M.M.
auntie emm
and you were and you were there and so were you
old paintings of lives I used to have
and futures that might have been
but now just
wherefores and whyfores and whatsits
and orthodox chews
saltwater taffy in the wound
you wrote on a box the word zippers
I guess that's where you kept your zippers
seems logical enough
what the dickens
the epistolary prognosis
of a certain non
avoidable dissension
I'd scanned the pages
for hand written notes
found what looked like
an ice cream smudge
on page 231
the back cover was
I noted all this in my report
the committee meeting
was delayed due
to an erroneous claim
by certain members
that the prefect had
been detained
I left the hall and wandered
that night for hours
until my breath wa svisible and my feet
stopping at a late night cafe
I ordered an americano
and was greeted with a profound
boredom from
the wall
my thoughts went back to the notes
I had collected
would it be sufficient
I went to the prison but they said he had been transferred
to a the hulking convict ship in the port
sadly, I drank my americano and ate a bag of chips
Thursday, January 19, 2012
and fur
no f
no f
no no f
fuck fuck fuck fuck
fer gettin
ah fudgicles
ffrench fried
french maid
french Toast
foist the frost
in furry
forsook nanook
and the great white North
for sooked
flee gotten
flayed alive in flurious
and then
March Hare
doth travel
in the night
thru the
and by the stream
Friday, January 13, 2012
oh poesy
of plague
bright bright poesy
of whisky and rye
and april showers
bring may towers
as the hedge row
doth sway in lucid
and the excessive partition is a broke wooden
wall between the here and the now
a black hole of forgetfullness
as chocolate will become
in vested green and purple
have you nothing better to do?
gatorized by the bye and bye
oh old Umass
Boris Becker
was Bjorn again
locked down energy
in bed and in the night's
foghorns sleep walking
in torn sheets
bouts of archery on green fields
of tender dystopic myopia
claiming the win as the cars
still race
unshaved and drinking coffee
waiting for a mountain range
and a specific yeti like emotion
go despondent one leave this house
find your way alone
be at one with the almighty be still
line the pockets
with foreign finances
glancing toward the newspaper
as the plane prepares to take off
its last pale under things
sweet breath of cologne
the mirror was a window she sat quite alone
the sleep walking
station of the
cross dressing
in salad days
honorable mention
a writ
but the crowds amassed at
focal vectors and the imprisoned
is weary of days
such as these - days of remembrance
days of sushi lunches
days of typewriter memos
days of martini lunches
days of I am not a crook
and yet more days of dogs
and al pacino and
flights to Montana
what day is it?
the day of reckoning
the day of the dead
the daylight savings & loan
the daybreak car alarm
and on and on and end I'm
not talking at you
are you thinking, Boog Powell?
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
on the off chance
of a breaking relativeness
circumlocuted indifference
manifest in prosaic malfunctions of
an untoward
deposited by cycladian
antitheses in Pyrrhic revolutionary
self absorption
mowing the mind
with a winnebago - custom outfitted for torrential
miasma ( ) the cliff dwellers
proceeded to a rendezvous point far
from the in-n-out Burger
and a bag of shrubbery
was procured
Monday, January 02, 2012
looking glass. Far to the stern he saw what the lookout was shouting about. A man on a raft. Frantically waving a piece of white cloth. They were hundreds of miles from any body of land.
"Hard astern, Mr. MacGregor!"
He bellowed the command.
The great ship moaned as the sails were set and reset. The fellow was still waving frantically unsure if the ship had spotted him or if they would rescue him. Then you could see it in his body , the realization the the ship was headed toward him- a kind of physical sigh went through his figure.
Once aboard he said his name was Davis Farnsworth. He had been aboard the the whaling ship Marie Souter out of Boston. She had gone down three weeks in a torrential typhoon. Farnsworth had been a midshipsman on his virgin cruise. He said several of his companions had survived but one by one they fell mad in the water and abandoned the raft for some delusional vision. Twice, he said, he had saved Tommy but the third time he lost him. This caused him a great weary sob.
"Okay, now that's enough- Dr Johnson, take Mr. Farnsworth below and see to him. Once he has rested and recovered we can hear more."
The Marie Souter was known to the captain. The ship was a notorious scow, ever in need of servicing and in constant disrepair due to the greed of it's company's owners, The Lance Group. She took only the worst, sailors who could not get work on other ships because of their previous failures. That Mr Farnsowrth said it was his virgin cruise, was to his advantage.
Overheard on xmas eve
Girl 1: Oh, he's cute but he's married.
Girl 2: Married, schmarried.
(in the Mission)
Older white gay man to mexican fellow:
You're crazy! What kind of church service is at 3 am?!
he placed an empty
boldfaced lie
righting the ships
and calling for
a glass of vodka
on the wall was a poster
from a sale of
indistinguished variables
a meagre trove
of unknowns
call me call me she said
and he said I will!
back in the night by the wet
a man was sweeping the sidewalk
coughing and humming sadly
The car door closed with
a smack
I really shouldn't be driving
he said as he gunned it up the hill
across the city the sun was rising
baroom baroom
oh non self effacing
military ceremony
for the past
and the memory
of the past
revel now!
she sighed
I'm busted... I've got ashes in
my ears
my feet
... my feet
are tired
and my finger is bleeding
I don't know
let's ride to the beach and sing
songs of Jack Guthrie
and Oklahoma
and wear old pants
and behave generally much kinder
to people