Saturday, March 23, 2013

Caffeine Roy James was named
for her mothers favorite addiction
and it had a reverse effect;
Caffeine was slow to do anything. Talk,
walk, use a computer, the maths
 drive a car, she just went about things with a distinct
lack of urgency or expediency
"it'll be there tomorrow"
was one of her sayings.
"Manana is too soon." was another.
She did however get her high school equivalency
when she was a sophomore and then leave school.
"This shit sucks" was her reply when asked
why she wanted to leave.
Her birth father was living somewhere
near Sacramento so she headed that way.
Her mother told her she couldn't leave the house until she was eighteen. In a letter to general delivery, Sacramento.
On the train she met a kid named Waynester who gave her some
mdma which made her almost climb out the speeding train.
"this train is going too straight"
When she got to Sacramento she learned her father had been hired
to do computer security for a company in Abu Dhabi.
There was a one way ticket to Abu Dhabi with her name on it which
she talked the airline in to switching for a ticket to JFK.  She boarded
a red eye knowing one friend in New York. Sally Jenkins from summer band camp at Lake Okeewanakapi.