Thursday, March 07, 2013

GOD on a Buddha Buddha Mayonnaise Machine

kaftan wearing Kafka
the Buddha from crying
sing your song Buddha
let the buh buh buh birds
the cry of the hound the wolf let the mayonnaise
in tuna
I am the endless forgotten reminder
few would wish to sit at the table or bar and ponder the 
elemental tableau of visceral remains
the buddha would not
but he would
and that is Buddha Nature
singing sung sang in ho ho ho ho Hozomeen
the dead mouse
the stupid dead mouse
the yawning Agape gaping emptiness
that forces itself in upon
the gaping Agape yawning need
for relentless
in a time
of woven kaftans
in a time of woven ka ka ka ka Kaftans
spun silently Kafka
cresting and
corrosive as they are
the Buddha will not butter
them with yak buh buh buh butter
the deux ex machina
that lifts our hero like a God on a Machine